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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

Why is Flouride put in our water supply?

Not the natural Calcuim Flouride but the toxic, synthetic Sodium Flouride which is considered to be a neurotoxin.

IMPORTANT! No. Preventing cavities isn't the answer, It's just a PR stunt that with the help of dentists became a fact. Countless researches have been done which without a doubt prove that people still have the samme issues with cavities in low and high flouridated areas.

Give me the real answer. Dig deeper :)


When it comes to "why" questions, we will certainly dip into speculations. Before we do, let's look at some facts about hydrofluosilicic acid and sodium fluoride, the substances used to fluoridate the water supply in the United States, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Serbia, Singapore, Spain, the UK, Vietnam, and perhaps other nations. (Most other European nations have banned the use of water fluoridation because it is highly toxic, unneeded, and criminal as the populace has not consented to being medicated in this insidious manner.)

Let us look at some of the effects of ingesting fluoride, as well as some of the other toxic elements and chemicals introduced to the water supply along with it due to using impure sources of fluoride (industrial waste.)

The following information has been taken from, a good source of additional information on this topic. 

In the doses that fluoridated water provides, fluoride is associated with higher rates of birth defects, cancer and immunosuppression, lower IQ of children, dental and skeletal fluorosis, and neurological problems.  It has also been shown to cause increased bone fractures, cataracts and infant mortality, and some 20 other health effects.  A study in Brain Research, vol. 784:1998 showed that fluoride in the water fed to rats increased the absorption of aluminum into the rats brains, causing alterations in the brains similar to Alzheimer’s Disease.  Also, fluoride is highly corrosive.  Several studies in Massachusetts and elsewhere found higher levels of lead in the drinking water in fluoridated areas.  This is most likely due to corrosion of lead pipe joints as a result of the corrosive chemical.

 A new study also showed that fluoride accumulates in the pineal gland.  This is a hormonal control center and causes severe imbalances in some sensitive people.  The work, titled Fluoride Deposition In The Aged Pineal Gland was done as a PhD thesis by Jennifer Luke and published in Caries Research.  It can also be found at

The fluoride itself isn’t the only problem.  The chemical used to fluoridate is not pure.  Hydrofluosilicic acid and sodium fluoride are industrial wastes, by-products of the phosphate fertilizer industry.  This was challenged by the fluoride promoters in Ohio, but later they were forced to admit this is the truth.  They contain traces of lead, arsenic, mercury, kerosene, napha, and other pollutants from the smokestack scrubbers of phosphate factories.  They also contain radioactive elements. 

Fluoridation of the water supply is a completely insane practice that has never been proven to have any health benefits and is a criminal form of medicating the populace without consent. If I had to speculate about why it is done, it is most likely to weaken and stupefy the general population so they are easier to manipulate. The day water fluoridation is halted worldwide will be a great victory for the progression of humankind.

Thanks for this answer @d-pend This is exactly the kind of answer I wanted to get but sadly curators seem to be under the influence of all of the years of propaganda on this subject. I already know all of this and much more but, I wanted to see what kind of answers I would get. Glad to know that you are informed on this.

You are from the US if I recall correctly, right? How heavily is water flouridated where you live, and how do you combat it? Thankfully, in Europe the practice of water flouridation is not so popular.

Btw, check this video out if you want to find out more on flouridation.

The guy that made it also makes a ton of great videos on many interesting subjects you might enjoy watching. He is on steemit also with the same username.

I knew you were aware when you asked it the way you did but I still wanted to respond to hopefully spread some awareness. Like you, I was forced to conclude that Musing moderators were "drinking the kool-aid" on not just this topic, but many, which has greatly dimmed my enthusiasm for the service. You can tell by the mediocre replies they often choose to give huge upvotes. I am not trying to be elitist or mean, either. Whoever is doing the curating simply doesn't have the expertise beyond mainstream views on certain topics. Thankfully, I rented large amounts of SP for specific situations like these.

Yes, I'm from the U.S., and it varies how heavily it's done state-by-state and county-by-county. My hometown in Texas actually has smaller amounts than many other places. About where I live right now, I'm not sure, because I haven't drank any tap water for at least the past 7 years. I won't drink water at restaurants, either.

Unfortunately, I am forced to use it to wash dishes and bathe, although I do the latter sparingly even though most Americans are obsessed with showering every day. I typically cook with and drink Spring Water, even though it is not perfect.

It's very, very sad how harmful this practice is, and I know it will end eventually. The calcification of the pineal gland and lowering of IQ is among the worst, because it leads to people being cynical about humanity thinking they are stupid, but they are really brilliant, just held down.

Yes, much of Europe is the ray of light (at least on this topic.) Ozonation is an incredible way to filter water using just oxygen, but it costs much more. I hope this and other methods will be adopted in the future. I'll check out the person you mentioned, thanks!

Glad that we are on the same page on this and most likely many more simmilar subjects. How deep in the rabbit hole are you? WHat's the worst thing you have found out?

Yes, sadly, that is currently the case but, like all other Steem based dapps Musing is just a baby. Needs a lot of time to mature. The problem with curation may be fixed in the future. I talked to them in discord and the curator in question was very rude about it. Think it was his cognitive dissonance talking, not him.

I'll keep asking this kind of questions on Musing anyway. The information about the subjects that really matter should be discussed on Musing no matter if their curators can't understand them. That's why I'm glad to have people like you answering my questions.

Hope that you will find my questions in the future and drop some knowledge bombs. You should answer the one I'm about to post now. Who coined the term "conspiracy theory" and why? I'm sure that you know the answer :)

Oh ye, and thanks for the support with xlent and a nice play with letters in the username. I knew it was you straight up :)

There is no digging deeper without getting into the scientific research. That will not alleviate concerns or remove doubt without investing substantial time into the topic. What I can do is to show which countries are using fluoridation and which are not.

It is a widespread myth that only western countries fluoridate their water. The fact is that most western countries DO NOT fluoridate their water. Almost all of the Europe doesn't fluoridate their water. Even Japan doesn't use artificial water fluoridation and that is as East as you get.

I find this remark very stupid - 'after the emergence of industrial revolution the dental problems increased so much that governments started to use fluoridation to curb the endemic'.  Somebody needs to remind these morons that industrial revolution started in Europe and they themselves are not using artificial flouridation. 

We need to stop this whole argument about government trying to solve our tooth problems from the water we drink. A government that can't protect the children from its own child protection services is sure is a hell not 'protecting' you teeth. 

Take look at these results:

It feels like that there is no patter to it. Fluoridation or no fluoridation, it seems that countries of both kinds are struggling with tooth problem.

To me it feels like that people don't really need it since the problem is not going away by doing it. It makes me wonder why they are trying so hard to keep this scam going. The only logical conclusion is that they have something going on behind the scenes - and its not about solving our tooth problems.

Good conclusion. If you want to know more about Flouride I suggest you watch this short video about it. It will blow your mind.

Fluoride is put in water supply in order to reduce the occurrence of dental related health issues like tooth decay or bacterial growth in the mouth.

Fluoride is a compound of fluorine which is a naturally occurring element found in ground water and mineral rocks. When put into water supplies, it helps prevent tooth decay and is so effective in doing this that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention named it one of 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century.

Taking into account the huge amount of time that is spent on tooth related treatments yearly in the United States(51-161million school/work hours), fluoridation of water is a healthy and cost effective means of reducing these numbers, and according to the American Dental Association, the life time cost of fluoridizing your water is less than the cost of one dental filling.

Basically, the idea behind putting fluoride in water is to prevent and reduce the occurrence of tooth decay in both children and adults.

Didn't you read the description of the question? Your answer is very far from the truth and it's a shame upvoted it as if its a correct answer. Please at least watch this video for a little eye opener.