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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads7 years ago

The ego is part of your personality

Sigmun Freud, a famous psychologist, once said that human personality consists of three main components: id, ego, and superego. Simply put, the ego is part of the identity we build ourselves.

All beliefs that you hold firm about principles, aspects of personality, talent, to your skills and / or abilities, help build ego. That's why ego is often associated with self-esteem or self-esteem. Ego is a part of self that aims to seek approval from people around.

Ultimately, the ego helps you shape your self-image. Self-image is formed when we have an idea of ​​an aspect of self that we also approve. For example, "I'm not good at math," or "I'm smart," or "No one likes me," or "I'm better than you."

By believing in these things, you also gradually reflect those ideas in everyday behavior so that you do not look good at math, for example - when in reality, it may not be so.

Ego can be said as the outer layer of skin protection that you wake up all this time. The ego always focuses on selfish interests and does not care about the reality of others. The ego also plays in your mind, that when something goes wrong, someone else is to blame, while you are always in the right position.

That is why sometimes the ego is a sign of a less commendable character.