Sophisticated computers created to process large amounts of power have not been able to satisfy our thirst for speed and computational capacity, which has so far continued to develop. But looking at computer history, it seems difficult to believe what we have achieved at this time.
In 1947, American computer engineer Howard Aiken said that America only needed six digital computers to meet the country's computing needs. Meanwhile, other experts have made false predictions about the amount of computing power that will support our evolving technological needs.
Of course, Aiken does not consider the large amount of data generated by scientific research, the development of personal computers or the emergence of the Internet, which drives the need for more and more computing power.
Will we have the amount of computing power we need or want? If, as Moore's Law says, if the number of transistors on a microprocessor continues to increase twice every 18 months, then by 2020 or 2030 we will find a circuit in the microprocessor measured on an atomic scale.
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The logical step to meeting ever-increasing computing needs is to create quantum computers, sophisticated devices capable of empowering the power of atoms and molecules to perform data and memory processing tasks. Quantum computers have the potential to do certain calculations much faster than any silicon-based computer.
What is a quantum computer?
The Turing Machine, which was developed by Alan Turing in the 1930s, is a theoretical device consisting of an infinite length of tape divided into small boxes. Each square can have a symbol (1 or 0) or be left blank. The existing reading and writing devices will read these symbols and blanks, which give the machine instructions for carrying out certain programs.
Now, in a quantum Turing machine, the difference is that the tape is in a quantum state, just like the head of a read-write device. This means that the symbol on the band can be 0 or 1, or the superposition of 0 and 1; in other words the symbols are 0 and 1 (and all the points between them) at the same time. While ordinary Turing machines can only do one calculation at a time, quantum Turing machines can do many calculations at once.
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Today's modern computers, such as the Turing machine, work by manipulating bits in one of these two states: 0 or 1. Quantum computers are not limited to two states. Quantum computers encode information as quantum bits, or qubits, commonly found in superpositions. Qubits represent atoms, ions, photons or electrons and control devices that work together as computer memory and processor. Because quantum computers can accommodate many of these conditions and calculations simultaneously, quantum computers have the potential to be millions of times more powerful than the most powerful supercomputers available today.
How do quantum computers work
To date, the two most promising uses for quantum computer devices are to conduct quantum searches and quantum factoring. To understand how quantum search works, imagine if you search for specific names and telephone numbers in the Yellow Pages or telephone books in the conventional way. If the phonebook has 10,000 entries, on average you need to see about half of that number, which is 5,000 entries, before you have the potential to find the name and number you are looking for. Quantum search algorithms only need to guess 100 times. With 5,000 guesses, a quantum computer can find 25 million n