How would Steem compete with EOS?
It's very easy to move dapps already running on Steem to EOS by writing smart contract. I know there will be SMT sometime, but I think the development takes too long, no clear timeline and most of all, writing smart contract on EOS can beat the almost every single feature SMT provides.
How you guys think about this?
ONO on EOS is an example of a competitor. I think ultimately, Steem might have the first mover advantage in this regard. It really comes down to the development of the community and how quickly developers start to use Steem -- much like this site.
Since I have been here (almost a year), almost NO Upgrades came from the STEEM Dev Team. All the inovation came from developers doing projects.
Do you know anyone in STEEM Dev Team except NED?
When I look at ONO they have a strong team, they have money, they are supported by Dan and they are well known in Asia and are managed as a company.
They will win the "social" war in my opinion.STEEM has the first mover advantage but I personally believe that the Dev Team is too slow and @ned wanted the community to do too much.
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I suspect there is more going on 'behind the scenes' within the dev team at Steemit than people think. They have spoken about building an infrastructure that can scale. Scaling will be hugely important, especially when they open the floodgates to new Steemians with automated registration, SMTs etc.
Personally, I am less fussed about the current look / UX of Steemit right now as new Dapps will no doubt be built to deliver a better experience (if Steemit doesn't get there first...).
As for EOS, we'll have to wait and see. They definitely have the cash, but that's not always a good thing as they could end up trying to bite off more than they can chew. Having Dan on board is a huge bonus for them but he has been behind Steem too so it also comes with good pedigree.
It's going to be an interesting 6-12 months and it might just be that the arrival of EOS is just what Steem needed...
I think the more important think to improve is the registration process so it can compare to other blockchain platforms
steem is only decentralised blockchain with social media platform having huge fan following and i dont think its eaiser for eos for such kind of mass adoption but its not impossible although. and eos have some technologies which steem can copy to make them up in the market
If there is more involvement, it will definitely compete with Eos
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