Vaccines have been known right from time to be safe, in the present day, the news and government say they are safe. But taking a closer look at vaccines, we see that there is much more toworried about.
Chemicals which make up the ingredients of vaccines are dangerous toxins known as mutagens and carcinogens. These substances causes mutations of the cells. In small quantities they are harmless but accumulatively they are dangerous. Children take up to 20 vaccines before they are five and these toxins can lead to death or brain damage.
Some of these toxins include
Aluminum phosphate, which is a corrosive acid
Aluminum sulphate which is a highly carcinogenic chemical and corrosive acid especially when mixed with water.
Thimerosal which is 46.9% mercury and is the second most toxic element on earth next to platinum and is a neuro toxin.
Acetone which is used as a solvent for oaints and oils and in the manufacturing of plastics.