Plan a Monthly Monthly Shopping
Financial waste tends to occur when using money to follow the wishes, but the desire is not necessarily a necessity. The best way to use a small income is to create a monthly spending plan using the written budget. Spend the money in accordance with the plans that have been prepared. When it's time to buy what's needed, you already have a budget to shop for. But do not use the money over the budget that has been prepared, because the remaining money has been allocated for other needs. Using a written budget to plan your expenses can minimize you from the risk of spending money on things you do not need.
Plan a monthly budget in writing, by dividing the list of expenditures into two, namely: the primary needs and tertiary needs. Primary needs include: meals, transportation costs, electricity bills, water and telephone, mortgage, motorcycles and cars and others. While the tertiary needs include: budget for shopping clothes, traveling, until the budget hangout with friends or colleagues. In addition to getting used to making budget monthly spending plans, you also have to get used to comply with the financial budget that has been made