
 Rejection  comes in many forms. It can involve being rejected by another human  being or it can be a simple rejection by a group of people you wanted to  hang out with. Depending on your emotional involvement, a rejection can  be something that you can just brush off and walk away or it can  devastate you.  

As  you can see that with this much variety in the type of emotional hurt,  there is no one way of dealing with the aftermath of rejection. The  strategy to deal with it can differ depending on the person, situation,  timing, etc. So,  I am going to list the most common denominator of the situation and how  to deal with it. While 'living in limbo' is just a side effect that can  be eliminated once the heart of the problem is resolved. 

One commotion theme in the after math of a rejection is the blow dealt out to a person's self-worth and confidence. The thing is, that there is no remedy to get your idea self-worth  back to equilibrium. It has to come from within yourself to understand  and believe that you are worthy of being yourself without apology or  approval.  

The  best way to remember this is to be with your friends and family - the  people who love you and accept you as you are. Trust me, if you forgot  why you should be accepted, then there is no better way of remembering  it back by being with people who already accept you. The important thing  to remember is that it is always difficult  to reach out to others (this is where you can be in a limbo) after you  have been emotionally injured. So be brave and reach out....... trust me  good things will happen again. 

PS: This is just my personal opinion. 

The key to dealing with rejection is to accept the fact that you are not the one with the issue.

It's good to develop a healthy self-image. Tell and remind yourself at all times that you are the best and that you won't allow anyone to tell you anything else.

If you do this every now and then, you will not be put off when someone rejects your advancement.

You will come to the conclusion that it's the person that is missing out on what you would have brought to the table.

This also means that you have to develop yourself to be the best you can be. Wash yourself as regularly as possible, wear clean clothes and cut your hair often. Be your nest at all times. Learn and perfect a skill. Put on a good attitude. Do everything that would guarantee you that you are actually good and have something to offer.

The truth is that no matter how much you tell yourself you are the best, if you are not, you aren't and will keep getting rejected.

Another thing is to keep friends that believe in you and what you represent. People who have your back and always remind you about your potentials. Do everything together maintain a healthy self-image.

Finally, when people leave you, allow them go. It simply means they weren't good enough. Or, it could mean that their part in your story has been come to an end.

Never allow anyone make you doubt yourself. The truth is that you are the best. You are special. You are unique. They has never been and will never be anyone like you.


Well all it depends which type of rejection are you facing.

In general the time is the best healer and you can get normal with the passage of time.

Here are few tips that could be helpful in such situation:-

Have faith that something more better is waiting for you.

Keep the believe that it will got better.

Have some positive physical activities.

Discover something new or engage yourself in some new project or activity.

Sometime traveling way may also be helpful. 

Try to increase your social circle.

If you have some close friend to whom you can trust, do get help from him/her. 

It obviously depends on the type of rejection, but a general advice would be to just bite your teeth together and try again. For instance, if you get rejected for a job after an interview, don't feel bad, and rather focus on finding another job. It's the same with finding a partner. Just admit that you were not a good fit, and keep looking for another alternative. 

The best way to deal with rejections is by realizing that everybody is fighting his/her own battles, and everyone responds in a way that is programmed by their own past, including everything they learned and experienced in that past.

That means, that you are seeing someone else's behaviour as a rejection towards yourself, because of your past, because of what you've learned and experienced.

This means, that if you work on yourself, on your self confidence, and on your self-love, you will feel less rejections, but you will simply witness someones behaviour, and see that it is just that. Someones behaviour.