
Go to Church, drink some psychedelics, open a bible and have a pastor sing a prayer into your ear.

in my opinion, there is no single human being on the surface of the earth who can find ALLAH SWT, because ALLAH SWT is not the same as any creature, but indirectly we can find ALLAH SWT by praying one day a night five times. and do all of HIS commands, and stay away from HIS restrictions.

God could appear elusive to several, however truly he's terribly close to. however however will the finite understand the Infinite? however will a mortal understand the Immortal? however will physical notice a Spirit? however will visible notice Invisible? God cares and needs a relationship with US and He needs to assist US in each means, however it's such as you or Maine associate attempt|attempting} to speak with an emmet. The emmet does not perceive and is oblivious to our words.

God had a concept - and He created some way to understand Him and to pay eternity with Him. however it appears to Maine that He still needs that we tend to build some effort to understand Him…He solely reveals Himself to people who sincerely want to understand the reality. He needs US to hunt Him. Here square measure some verses from the Bible which will guide you:

“No one has ever seen God. The One and solely Son, the One WHO is at the Father’s aspect - He has created Him famous.” (John 1:18)

“For i do know the plans I actually have for you” declares the Lord, “Plans for peace and not for evil, to administer you a future and a hope. You shall decision upon Maine and pray to Maine, and that i can listen unto you. And {you can|you'll|you may} look for Maine and notice Maine after you will explore for Maine with all of your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:11–13)

Jesus said: “ raise, and you shall receive, look for and you shall notice, knock and also the door are opened unto you.” (Matthew 7:7)

Jesus said: “I am the means, the truth, and also the life; nobody will come back to the daddy except by Maine.” (John 14:6)

Jesus said: “ I assure you, i'm the door of the sheep. If anyone enters by Maine, he are saved…. i'm the nice Shepherd. the nice Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” (John 10:7,9,11)

“In the start was the Word. The Word was with God and also the Word was God. He was with God within the starting. All things were created through Him… and life was in Him… The Word became flesh (Jesus) and dwelled among us… He was within the world, and also the world was created through Him, nevertheless the planet failed to acknowledge Him. He came to Has own, however His own individuals (the Jews) failed to receive Him, however to any or all WHO did receive Him, He gave them the proper to become the kids of God, to people who believe…” (John 1: 1–3, 14,10–12) this could be a bit laborious to know, as a result of it's therefore profound, however even within the initial chapter of the Bible in Genesis chapter one verse twenty six, God offers US a clue throughout creation (about the daddy and Son or God and also the Word) once He says “Let US build man in OUR image, in step with OUR likeness.” however did God produce everything? By speaking it forth- by His Word (“Let there be light”, and there was light-weight.) Good Shepherd is that the living Word and also the Bible is that the word of God. they're one. Good Shepherd came out of God, became flesh, came to point out US what God is like, suffered and died on the cross, taking our penalty for our sins for US, turning into our Savior. The Innocent One paying the worth for the guilty, thanks to His love and mercy. God fell to achieve US and to try and do for US what we tend to cannot do for ourselves! He lowered Himself most to return as a baby and be during a restricted organic structure. He evidenced that He was WHO He aforesaid He was once He arose from the dead once three days, with several witnesses to the current. Death couldn't hold Him.

If you're still reading… i would like to feature another, though I ordinarily attempt to not build it see you later, as a result of i do not scan all of the long ones myself. this is often the St. Paul preaching to some folks that were non secular and had altars and statues they worshipped:

“The God WHO created the planet and everything in it - he's the Lord of heaven and earth and doesn't board shrines created by hands. Neither is He served by human hands, like He required something, since He Himself offers everybody life and breath and every one things. From one man (Adam) He has created each nation of men to measure everywhere the world and has determined their appointed times and wherever they live, in order that they may look for God, and maybe reach out and notice Him, tho' he's shortly from every people. For it's in Him we tend to live and move and have our being. we tend to should not suppose that the Divine Nature is like gold or silver or stone, a picture designed by human art and imagination. Therefore, having unnoted the days of cognitive content, God currently commands all individuals all over to repent, as a result of He has set on a daily basis on that he's reaching to choose the planet in morality by the person He has appointed. He has provided proof of this to everybody by raising Him from the dead.” (Acts 17:24–31)

To repent essentially suggests that to possess a amendment of heart and a amendment of direction- to urge off the trail of going our own means and to show to God and go His means. it's been my expertise that God will actually be found as these verses guide, by repenting, by praying, by seeking the Lord. Sincerely raise God to guide you therefore you'll understand Him. raise God to guard you from deception and to understand the reality.

You don't find God, he finds you and the truth is he has always been there at the door of your heart knocking and knocking but you never really listened. He is still standing there and all you need to do is open up to him and there he is.

It all starts with a prayer and it is not to repeat anything but just a conversation. Tell him what you feel and express your need for him. Invite him into your heart.