well i'm not a very biblical person but i know a thing or two about it after more than six years of catholic school ...
i prefer the old testament god when it comes to christianity but i call myself polytheist agnostic since
unlike believers or atheists i can not convince myself that i "know" the truth ... because i dont ... atheists are believers too, they accept it without proof that there's nothing, one and the same if you ask me ...
so as an agnost, and a polytheist there's room for every god, but i'm always weary of "the one true" ones
they're usually dictators ... i dont know who bumped to $5 on a comment lol but
if my opinion gets me that once a day i can say no to the state AND the employers lobby, id be an opinionated, independent being
thats probably scary ... i didnt even notice until i saw the payout like ...
it sure comes in handy ... every bit counts to a byte, every byte to a word and words
i have a lot of those haha haaaah
if you like the musing dapp check out minds.com ... its on a totally different blockchain, if you get rewards there its nothing to do with here ... if you got the time to be on both
its a double whammy as long as you dont have apathy
The Musing group bumped your post. It was exceptional quality btw.
I'm going to have to check out minds.com as well.
BTW if you have any great questions for Quora I'm in their partner program and get paid to post questions and send them to possible experts in the specific field. If you think of any really good ones post the question on Musing and PM me in the Discord and I'll post it to Quora. It is extremely difficult to come up with really good original questions on Quora.