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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads7 years ago

Do you think it is healthy for a couple to abstain from sexual relations before marriage?

There are those who think that a couple should be pure before getting married and other people think that they should be known in all areas, even sexually to know if there is compatibility and take that big step.


I again am probably in the minority here but I personally believe that a couple must have a good and healthy sex life first before marriage.

There are just many things that opens up after sex. So many questions answered and so many what-ifs and unknowns known. And idk if it's just me but being compatible with your partner is really important in a relationship. It's not really about lust but more like the satisfaction you could get from your partner. Sex is on top of Maslow's psychological hierarchy of needs for a reason. Because it's important.

The simple act of having sex also allows the two to know each other more. So it might be healthy physically (you both are sure clean from any diseases) but it doesn't mean it will be healthy to the relationship.

A relationship before marriage is just testing out if you are suitable for each other. So having sex should be normal and expected, only if you're serious about the relationship. You have to know if you enjoy each other that way before you seal the deal.

A lot of people don't like to admit it, but sex is very important in a relationship, and if you don't try it out before marriage, you might be disappointed.

very healthy

Sex is sex and marriage is marriage. Two totally different things for totally different purposes and none of the both has to include or exclude the other.