
A family is the smallest social group that is blood related. These days, we have people living with us who even though are not blood relatives have earned the title "family". Everyone needs a family. A place where you know you are accepted even with your flaws. A place you can totally be yourself, a place where you're always welcomed.

Family is the first point of contact for every child. The first and single most important influence in a child's life is the family. The foundation for everyone begins in a home and a home has family in it.  A family has structure that  has been put together to help a child grow into a responsible adult. A very organised family provides the physical, mental, moral and social support that is needed for a child's well being. They provide food, Clothes, shelter and basic things needed for a child to start life.

Growth is of different classes and in different stages. We have Physical,  mental, emotional and social growth.  

Physical growth refers to the physiological and morphological growth that comes with  a child's  development.  For a child to grow physically, the child needs food. Not just any kind of food but balanced diet to ensure that the child is not deficient of important body needs. The early stages of a child development requires a lot of attention and dependence on family most especially parents because at this stage, they can't really help themselves. Parents provide the food need of the child.

As the child grows older, the parents begin to teach the child and challenge their mental prowess as they prepare the child for school. As the child grows into a teen, he needs the emotional love and support of family in order to grow into a healthy adult and relate with others out of the love he/she has received from parents.  

The child grows into an adult who is emotionally, mentally and spiritual balanced. With spiritual  values inculcated and moral discipline instilled the child is sure to be a great adult. This is why children with physical deformities still have self confidence because they've been made to understand that life is beyond physical and the greatest limitations they could ever have is within them all thanks to support from family members. 

Children  can achieve great heights in their careers with the right support from family. Children need the counsel and opinion of family members especially parents when making certain decisions. They  need the security their parents  offer.

I will say very important in a good number of ways which i will talk on in the following points..

1. Financial security

As a child, you need financial support to cater for your needs since you are not responsible for yourself at that age and what better soirce of financial support can you have if not from family. With a family by your side you are confident that you will have a source of financial provision and that will go a long to help children grow normally without having to become adults overnight to fend for themselves thus limiting them from having a normal childhood experience that has a role to play in their normal growth.

2. Love and a positve psychology development

Children that have grown up in a family that loves them and shows them that they are loved have in most cases turned out grow healthily and positively in terms of psychology. On the otherhand children who have grown up without family have shown a negative psychological development and most at times have demonstrated a slow rate in their growth.

3. Morality

Children who have been brought up in a family environment have been impacted with moral values that teaches them of how to lead healthy and successful lives. They have also been under family discipline measures that guides them on how to live responsibly introducing them into thinking as adults and behaving well. This has helped in the growth of their personality and a better expression of it while children that have grown out of the family context have been studied to show no growth and development in healthy lifestyle and responsibility.

The conclusion of the whole matter is most children that are nurtured in the family have experienced positive growth and development in behaviour, character, responsibility, skill etc.

Family plays a great role in not only just growth but healthy growth in children and in ensuring that they exhibit their full potential..

Hope this helps...

Family is an important matter to child's growth. Children develop their character by how their parents mold them. Children interprets and observe what was given to them, how they are treated, and what support they got from their family.

A family with good character often produce the best children. It is by how they train and treat their offspring into becoming of what they want. It fosters and boosts the growth of their children when play their role as parents.