
I just read what people wrote that it used to be 28 weeks and changed to 24 in their country well not in my country Nigeria, abortion is considered murder at anytime of pregnancy. Our law does not recognise these demarcation. In nigeria, abortion is forbidden, it doesnt matter how many weeks the foetus is. We have two laws governing abortion. We have the penal law and the criminal code and both have the same stand on abortion. Whether it was intentional or unintentional, once found guilty, you face prosecution and imprisonment for 14 years unless done to save the life of the pregnant woman.

Here are some extracts from the law

>Any person that has the intent of causing the miscarriage of a woman whether she is actually pregnant or not; and who, with such intent, unlawfully gives her or causes her to take any poison or even uses force of any kind on her, is guilty of an offence and is liable to imprisonment for fourteen years. Note that this applies to a person other than the woman herself.

Now, this is for the woman herself. Where a woman has the intent of causing her own miscarriage whether she is actually pregnant or not; and she unlawfully takes any poison or uses any force of any kind on herself, or even allows such to be used on her, she is guilty of an offence and liable to imprisonment for seven years.

Where a person unlawfully supplies to a woman or buys for the woman anything knowing that what he bought is intended to be unlawfully used to cause a woman’s miscarriage, whether she is indeed pregnant or not; that person is guilty of a crime and is liable to imprisonment for three years.

Depends on what Country and/or State you are residing on but according to the Crimes Act 1958:  Child Destruction or the crime of killing a fetus "capable of being born alive" before it has "a separate existence" falls after 24 weeks' of gestation which is about 6 months.

It used to be 28 weeks' of gestation which is about 7 months which I think some country still holds. 

It depends where you live. Some countries it is illegal as they see any abortion as murder. It used to be 28 weeks as they say the baby has its own heart beat now but has since changed to 24 weeks.

Personally I think if it is required the earlier the better as it is a living human but circumstances may require an abortion so I am for it.

Abortion is considered murder the month you realize that you're pregnant. The stage of the pregnancy is not what is important here but the life that you're preventing from having the opportunity to experience life. If your parents had aborted you regardless of the stage of the pregnancy, you wouldn't have the chance to be here. Thus, abortion is murder at any stage of the pregnancy. If you can't maturely handle the consequences of sex, stay of sex until you're ready to handle its consequences.