Each person has his own reasons. But apparently, people of past and present have differences in wanting sex.
A study revealed in the Sexuality & Culture Review in 2010 said people in the age had three reasons for wanting sex, namely because of falling in love, feeling happy, and having children. Whereas people today have more reason to make love.
Sexual behavior has more meaning in the present. Some see it in terms of psychological, social, cultural, even in terms of religion. According to sexologists, actually there is only one reason why people want to make love / want sex.
"Because we have been programmed to want it. Asking why people want sex is like asking why people need to eat. Our brains have been designed to want sex, "said professor of psychiatry and behavior at Northwestern University, Richard A. Carroll, as quoted by Web MD.
In addition to instinct, a study in Texas found another reason why people want to make love. By involving 1. 500 people, psychologists at the University of Texas, Austin found many reasons to make love which then divided into four categories.
Physical reasons: for pleasure, exercise, coping with stress, answering curiosity about sexual desire or attraction with the opposite sex.
Reasons for purpose: to have children, to improve social status (for example to be popular), to revenge.
Emotional reasons: love, commitment or expressions of gratitude.
Reasons for insecurity: to increase self-confidence, prevent couples from seeking sex from others, because they feel an obligation or duty (forced to make love with a partner)
As defined by Abraham Maslow, Sex is a necessity. People need it in order to survive. It is the main reason why we are created. We are made out of sex.
Also our hormones are the ones responsible for our activity. That's why teenagers or people at their 20's are the most active group when it comes to sex activity. It is a need for the body.
According to a couple of research, it is one of the best ways to exercise your body. It utilize both your inner and outer activity. There are also researches that sex can regularly make you healthy, eliminating some common disease people are facing.
As a person who lacks experience of it, I feel it as not a necessity as of the moment. It is always upon to how the user responds on the inner feeling. Most likely, those who are very much ambitious and mature in life can sacrifice their sex life for the future.
But generally, people love sex so much because it provides a lot more pleasure. It adds spice to their life and especially to couple's relationship.
First of all Sex has a great reproductive importance, this's the only natural way to spread population though Test-tube baby is possible in the modern science. Something coded into us by the nature/creator that leads to desire about sex.
Secondly, sex gives pleasure, relief from stress, happiness. Sex is also a way to show love for your partner. Sometimes it's just because of "show off".
Though the question seems simple but it has a big depth and still is not answered by Science.
Because of the basic human need to procreate. Ever since caveman times, humans have had the desire to keep on reproducing to make sure that our species keeps going. While that might not be the only reason(we enjoy it too, us and dolphins), its is one of the reasons that we have so much sex. Plus, modern culture values it a lot.
It's in our DNA. As a species, procreating is our main goal. I sometimes like to joke to people who talk about "a higher purpose" because literally our DNA has coded us to have sex, make babies, rinse and repeat.
Upon sexual climax, the hormone endorphine is released into our body in the boatload to get us the "feel good" feeling. In fact, an orgasm is literally the body flooding itself with endorphine.
It's normal to love and crave for sex, it's a human thing. You can't fight with yout DNA.
in my opinion, because human beings have passion, and the strongest desire among the many passions that humans have is sexual desire, so, it is very natural that this human being loves sex.
Each person has his own reasons. But apparently, people of past and present have differences in wanting sex.
A study revealed in the Sexuality & Culture Review in 2010 said people in the age had three reasons for wanting sex, namely because of falling in love, feeling happy, and having children. Whereas people today have more reason to make love.
Sexual behavior has more meaning in the present. Some see it in terms of psychological, social, cultural, even in terms of religion. According to sexologists, actually there is only one reason why people want to make love / want sex.
"Because we have been programmed to want it. Asking why people want sex is like asking why people need to eat. Our brains have been designed to want sex, "said professor of psychiatry and behavior at Northwestern University, Richard A. Carroll, as quoted by Web MD.
In addition to instinct, a study in Texas found another reason why people want to make love. By involving 1. 500 people, psychologists at the University of Texas, Austin found many reasons to make love which then divided into four categories.
Physical reasons: for pleasure, exercise, coping with stress, answering curiosity about sexual desire or attraction with the opposite sex.
Reasons for purpose: to have children, to improve social status (for example to be popular), to revenge.
Emotional reasons: love, commitment or expressions of gratitude.
Reasons for insecurity: to increase self-confidence, prevent couples from seeking sex from others, because they feel an obligation or duty (forced to make love with a partner)
As defined by Abraham Maslow, Sex is a necessity. People need it in order to survive. It is the main reason why we are created. We are made out of sex.
Also our hormones are the ones responsible for our activity. That's why teenagers or people at their 20's are the most active group when it comes to sex activity. It is a need for the body.
According to a couple of research, it is one of the best ways to exercise your body. It utilize both your inner and outer activity. There are also researches that sex can regularly make you healthy, eliminating some common disease people are facing.
As a person who lacks experience of it, I feel it as not a necessity as of the moment. It is always upon to how the user responds on the inner feeling. Most likely, those who are very much ambitious and mature in life can sacrifice their sex life for the future.
But generally, people love sex so much because it provides a lot more pleasure. It adds spice to their life and especially to couple's relationship.
First of all Sex has a great reproductive importance, this's the only natural way to spread population though Test-tube baby is possible in the modern science. Something coded into us by the nature/creator that leads to desire about sex.
Secondly, sex gives pleasure, relief from stress, happiness. Sex is also a way to show love for your partner. Sometimes it's just because of "show off".
Though the question seems simple but it has a big depth and still is not answered by Science.
Each person has his own reasons. But apparently, people of the past and present have differences in wanting sex.
A study revealed in the Sexuality & Culture Review in 2010 mentions
people in ancient times had three reasons for wanting sex, namely because of falling in love, feeling happy, and having children
Whereas people today have more reason to make love There is a view from the psychological, social, cultural, even religious aspects
According to psychologists, there is only one reason why people want to make love.
Because we have been programmed to want it. Asking why people want sex is like asking why people need to eat.
Because of the basic human need to procreate. Ever since caveman times, humans have had the desire to keep on reproducing to make sure that our species keeps going. While that might not be the only reason(we enjoy it too, us and dolphins), its is one of the reasons that we have so much sex. Plus, modern culture values it a lot.
A simple and short answer.
Sex gives pleasure and to have a good time is what everyone ask for
It's in our DNA. As a species, procreating is our main goal. I sometimes like to joke to people who talk about "a higher purpose" because literally our DNA has coded us to have sex, make babies, rinse and repeat.
Upon sexual climax, the hormone endorphine is released into our body in the boatload to get us the "feel good" feeling. In fact, an orgasm is literally the body flooding itself with endorphine.
It's normal to love and crave for sex, it's a human thing. You can't fight with yout DNA.
in my opinion, because human beings have passion, and the strongest desire among the many passions that humans have is sexual desire, so, it is very natural that this human being loves sex.