
You should know that musing is not here to provide income for users. It rewards users for asking questions and providing answers.

The quality of the question and how comprehensive the answers are determine if you will get rewarded. You should first develop passion for it before thinking of the money aspect.

Always ask quality questions that will bring up discussion in the comment section.

Make sure your answers covers all aspects of the questions asked.

This are ways that you can get the upvotes.

Try to write answers with at least 3 lines. Your English should be easily readable. Don't stop, answer a lot, but don't answer nonsense because the moderators do read what you say. Answers get more money than questions, but questions are essential, so make sure to answer more but don't stop asking questions or you'll contribute to a dead community.

Try to write more than one paragraph but keep the text short so that it's easily readable by those who come (and the moderators by extension). Make an effort and stay consistent!

Good question, earning in will be easy if you follow this simple instructions

Firstly:- while replying questions here try and make your comments thought provoking and meaningful,this will go a long way to bring upvoters to you since this is an open-source everybody sees and read your reply

Secondly:- try and answer meaningful questions and make your comments a bit lengthy, the truth is this, some people take this place as a joke and post ill questions here just to get upvotes. Any question you don't see to be relevant pls ignore and move on to questions you think readers and curators will be focused in.

Thirdly:- if you find some questions very difficult to answer you can ask google so you can get a clue then come and answer, *''note* don't copy and paste because cheetah will upvote you and that makes no sense