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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads7 years ago

There is two sides to this issue. The good and bad side.

The fight against bidbots is due to the fact that many posts that are of little or no value often find themselves at trending page or having huge rewards which should not be so. That is the bad side.

Now the good side, some innovations need to be boosted so everyone can see it which will pitch it to investors.

Coming to who to blame if it's the user or bot owner. I will say both are to be blamed. The user promoting sub-par post for his or her own personal gain andtl the bot owner not vetting posts submitted. Steemit is decentralised and ban on bid bots means negating that decentralisation.

Now what is been done to make sure bidbots are used positively. Some bidbots owner such as @smarsteem owned by @therealwolf has other parts @smartmarket that whitelist users based on their original posts and credibility. @minnowbooster is also another bot that has a whitelist.

This are some of the steps been taking to ensure positive usage of bidbots and it has been successful.