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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

I will choose a job which can be very stressing but pays well. Why do I need a job in the first place? Isn't because I have needs and wants that needs to be taken care of financially? These needs never disappear, as you handle one another comes up. Taking a job that pays less over a job that pays more because it is stress free means you are not ready to be someone in life. Nothing good comes easy.

Nobody ever made it by looking for stress free job. People are out there working out their butts with 4 stress free jobs per day just to make ends meet, that to me is the same as one stressful job that pays you well.

The joy that comes with the realization that you can take care of your needs is indescribable. Responsibility comes with a price. To be a man they said is not a days job. How about take the job, suffer it for a while, save enough and start your own stress free business where you are the boss with perhaps employees. To make it in life, you must sacrifice