My country prohibits it, my religion prohibits and unless I'm convinced otherwise, I don't think homosexuals marriages are allowed. I'm a Christian and God on the day of creation made everything male and female. He saw Adam needed a companion, he could have chosen to make another man maybe Steven for him but no he made a woman because he understands the man needs a woman.
There is continuity of life today because of procreation which happens when a man meets a woman. If everyone is homosexuals right from creation do you think we would have been given birth to? I know those who are pro it would say there are ways to get kids now, adoption is an option but if a sperm didn't fertilize an egg would there be a child to adopt? I don't know why a man would wanna be with a man and a woman with a woman.
I hope i don't get hated for expressing my opinion though but I don't think such marriages should be accepted.
Never hated for expressing an opinion in the manner you did, have no worries over that.
As you can see from my post on this question we disagree, but I do not hate anyone with a differing opinion or belief that is willing to state things rationally and politely as you did.
I am sure many others will agree with me on this so NEVER be afraid to state your opinion or belief in a polite or discussion worthy form.
Just had to say this in case you were ever holding back for fear of backlash