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RE: Musing Daily Questions 🐮

in #musing7 years ago

In my opinion, this is a moot question as we already do :)

I am 'formless spirit' having a 'human experience'. This human experience is the dream I awake from after 'death'. Life is also on the other side of 'death' and life neither starts at birth, nor ceases at death - these are merely changes of 'state'.

'Time' in which there is a 'forever', is also a human-concept, and without a natural correspondence (there are cycles, but no clocks, in Nature). Clock-time belongs to the world of form - the dream. There is only the present moment, NOW, which is forever (lol) outside of clock-time, and as such 'eternal'.

Life and 'real' (not dream) living take place in the NOW (not yesterday, not tomorrow, not a minute away). It is the only place we are ever present in. Death is an illusion.

We 'already' live forever!