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RE: Musing Daily Questions 🐶

in #musing7 years ago

Most people buy same stuff - bread, rice, some meat, milk amd some vegetables. Open same sites - facebook and youtube. Go to same restaurants, bars and nightclubs.

All those businesses have established vendors. If you want to take over their businesses you need to be better. You start from a weaker point. they have consumers, not you.

If you want to make big money, then you need to have big money. Example: you want to be lanborgini trader, then you need one, or to finde VIP consumers and lambo trader, and to be someone between them.

You have no option or you have only one option and reject all others. Thisnk of thise like that : you wanna sell cabbages, you think it's cool, but you refuse to try sell carrot and salty corn even though stats say that cabbage is not the best product to sell now.

And last one - to make money from something takes TIME. To build this site ( took around 5 - 20 weeks and atleast 20$. People who have 0$ can't spend 20 weeks for a chance to make money.