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RE: Musing Daily Questions 🐶

in #musing7 years ago

I think it's because most people consume same things - food (bread, some meat, rice and water). Go to the same places - local bar or dance club. Serf internet on the one place - Facebook and YouTube.

To any of these sources of money there is one or two established producers - money makers. If you want to take over their business, you need to be better, and you start from the weaker point than they are. - who has consumer base and money flow.

To be on the VIP market, you need to know what they need. You should talk with them. VIP people often spend their money to expencive cars, parties and property. If want to sell them a lamborghini you need to have one or know someone who has lamborghini for sale. It's hard to get their attention.

Also, it's hard to make money because you don't see where you can succeed, or you see only the one industry and lose attention to others. Also, it takes time to make from your project money. If you want to make a site, like, it take 5 - 20 weeks and around 30$ initial investment.