Do you think good questions are more important than the good answers to make the top Q&A platform?

in #musing7 years ago (edited)

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Thanks for the good question!

Looking at the question from a purely analytical perspective, good questions spawn good answers, so, while I don't think one is particularly "more important", it would stand to reason that without a good base of quality questions, it's pretty hard to have a good supply of quality answers.

They go hand in hand, just like weight training needs proper sleep and nutrition, so to a good answer requires a good question.

I am sure that if musing continues its trend of making updates and upgrades the way it has to date, and rewards it's growing roster of regular question and answer providers we will indeed continue to see our base of high quality question contributors expand.

As this core/base of quality questions grows, the quality of answers will improve as more and more skilled writers and experts in their fields come on board and more answers are given for each well thought out question, allowing the also expanding readership/voter pool to be more "picky" with their votes.

Just today, I saw an "improved" question that I had already answered.

As in, the original question was poorly formatted, although understandable.

The new one was direct and perfectly formatted, and I was tempted to answer it again.

I didn't, but, I am going to start being more picky about what questions I answer based on how well it is formatted.

What's that called, I wonder, "organic q and a improvement"?

Here's to both better questions and better answers as we grow together.

E-GO 2018


To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Yes definitely

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