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RE: Musing Daily Questions 🦊

in #musing7 years ago

Money not causing issues only exist in a perfect world, not in the reality we live in. I had to find this out the hard way because when i was younger and didn't had a lot of money i thought when i would have a certain number on my bank account most of my issues would be solved. Now i realise this is not the case in reality. In fact, more money can mean more problems. Don't get me wrong, it's no fun to be broke. You need a certain income to be happy. When you always have to worry about paying bills it's more difficult to be happy. But a lot of money won't solve all your problems. Because when you have a lot of money you also have the responsibility about it. You need to let it grow which means you need to invest or do some business. This means some amount of bullshit you will have to deal with on a daily basis. Also the more money you have the more you can lose.

There are things that i would do differently if i had much money. I think i would change my lifestyle. Spend more on my hobbies. Quit my job. Help my friends and family out.