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RE: Musing Daily Questions 🦊

in #musing7 years ago

If i have all the money in the world i will ensure that i use my money to make every poor people become rich,,i will make sure that i help every less previlege people in the

society,,i will ensure that i build very good infrastructures all over the world and make the world become better,,i will give alot of scholarships to people,,i will donate alot

of money for different projects,,i will ensure to try my best to make sure that poverty is majorly eliminated or

totally reduced in the society...i will personally do alot of travelling and also live a luxurious life,,i will buy the best

houses,cars,jets,gadgets,i will buy the best things in the world...i will make sure that i travel to the best places in the world and go to the best restaurants and hotels and

beaches and anything i can think of...i would make sure that i spend more quality time with all my friends and my family...

i will live a very wonderful i wish i can gain such wealth so that all this dreams will come true.....