
Download a app where you can track your taken foods and drinks, never forget anything! Even oil for cooking counts. Cut the calories based on your current weight and body exercise, cut the carbs and you will loose weight in no time. If you need advice I need to know your current weight and length plus your daily amount of exercise and I can give you wat you need to eat to stay on weight, only thing you need to do afterwards is going a bit below your daily needs.

Don't mistake, you can eat 10x as much as you do know, only need to change what you eat! Don't listen to salads, light drinks etc. Yes they are less calories but contain ingredients which will fool your body and your body wants even more!

Personally I loose 500 grams a week and I still go to Mcdonalds, eat candy etc. I work out tho, I do strenght-training. Cardio is nice as long as you do cardio, but as soon as you stop you will stop burning extra. With Weight-training your body has around 72 hours of higher metabolism. Muscle-recovery gives you free fat-burning.

Also, if your daily needs of calories are around 2500kcal you can do the following. Try to eat around 2000kcal (still can be more then plenty of food, change WHAT you eat), you have a KCAL shortage of 500 per day. Per week that is around 3500Kcal. 1 kilogram of mass equals 7000kcals so you can loose half a kilo (1 pound) per week without exercising.

Fastest and easiest is to get liposuction. Exercise and diet is hard work and takes discipline. You may not see results so quickly but overall it is the best way to keep the kgs off.

Besides the normal stuff, exercise, eat multiple small portions and get well rested, I would say drink a lot of water. Water helps in cutting weight tremendously and keeps your body working well.

I can't give you a workout plan or diet but DO DRINK WATER.

Depending on how fat you are. If you're obese or fat, cut all the empty calories (soda soft drinks, ice cream, sweets / candy, cake) and replace with as much healthy salads as you like. Fast pace walking daily for 30mins to 1 hour.

If you're already athletic, that's a much bigger challenge. You basically need to watch the portions in detail and eat healthier versions of each category of food; e.g. brown rice instead of white. You will also need to ramp up your current workout / training regime to make it make it more intense with cross-training as an option.

Consume Green Coffee and Apple Cidar vinegar 3 times a day and see results.