
That there are 1440 minutes in every day, spend them wisely. How you spend these minutes determines your present and your future but can never change your past. Past mistakes and failures are done. Learn from them and move on and please don’t waste your most precious asset looking back or regretting.

Just my #twocents take it or leave it.

Usefull thing 1 : DON'T BE lazy, one minute is small amount of time to learn something. It takes time to educate yourself. YOur one minute quastion is a copy paste. Don't do it. You lose your face when make someones work to seem as it's yours.

"Ian's knot" a very fast knot for shoelaces. It's supposed to be faster than a normal knot and saves you a lot of time if you add it up to your whole life.

Or I recommend a video tutorial. You can learn it here: