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RE: Musing Daily Questions 🐮

in #musing7 years ago


Humans are monodualist creatures which means that they consist of two elements which constitute a whole

yaiu not "soul" and "body".

William Strem confirmed that the soul and

body cannot escape but can be distinguished asasy "

multiplex unit ".

Unitas human meaning consists of two elements of body and soul. So compilation of one or both of them does not exist or at all, so it cannot be called a human. Multiplexing is good from a single body and soul from an unsure ban. Raga has a lot of uncertainty like that head, turban, persimmon, muscle, skin and so on that form one unit so that it can be said as a body. It was up with a soul that was not sure


Elements that are interrelated The level of unity can be called a soul. The soul elements are called mental symptoms. The soul tube consists of four; symptoms of creativity, symptoms, taste symptoms, mixed symptoms. Of all the elements, there is no body and soul that has different functions but cannot be given to each other. In the development of a person from baby to adult there are two important aspects which are physical and spiritual. In its development, it is influenced by two factors: maturity and learning. Humans as worldly beings and creative beings when viewed from publishing. When viewed from its nature, the nature of human beings is social beings and individual beings. In order to achieve uncertain balance & harmony, education is needed. Education is needed to be able to change, determine and construct human life. Education is needed to humanize young people to become adults. Educating is activities that contain communication between two or more people, enough education is descriptive and normative. Descriptive explains how the educational retracement process in achieving separate. While normative education is expressed in the objectives to be achieved in the education process. If education as a process can be seen from two categories, namely individual processes and social processes.