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RE: You Might Be Muslim If...

in #muslim7 years ago

Muslims don't believe that Jesus is God's son. They don't believe that Jesus died on the cross. They don't believe that He is God.

If you believe that all Jews should be murdered then you might be a Muslim.

If you think you have the right to beat your five wives then you might be a Muslim.

If you believe in female genital mutilation then you're definitely a Muslim.


Surah 5:69
Indeed, those who have believed [in Prophet Muhammad] and those [before Him] who were Jews or Sabeans or Christians - those [among them] who believed in Allah and the Last Day and did righteousness - no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve.

Islam is not perfect as he stated they do have some things wrong which is why we must work together to correct the things they do get wrong. Only through unity, faith and proof can we fully unite Islam together and we can fully correct all of the things that each Abrahamic faith gets wrong. Do not be soo quick to judge... Christ was also as much a Muslim as he was a Jew.

Not all Muslims want to kill Jews.

Muslims believe Yeshua is only a prophet, yes, when in reality He is the spiritual Son of God.
No, they don't believe that Christ Himself was crucified but rather He was brought up to Heaven by God and that another resembling Him was put on the cross to be crucified.

The Qur'an never mentions "that all Jews should be murdered."
Nor does it ever mention female genital mutilation or even male circumcision.

Finally, domestic violence occurs in many cultures and religions... it's a result of the time and setting. For example, 100 years ago husbands in America faced little to no legal repercussions for "correcting" their wives through physical punishment.

Did I not say Christ will eventually correct what the faiths got wrong?