You'd do better realizing how incredibly stupid you are.
I have a really high IQ / "capacity of brainpower". So do most folks around here. I don't doubt that you do, too. But I didn't know shit, till I learned that I was capable of intense stupidity, no matter how "smart" I am. Papers won't do shit for you if your actions aren't smart. If your situation is so tough, sir, change it.
Staying in the United States, with the writing on the wall being what it is, is a fool's errand. I'm not trying to belittle you man, I'm trying to help you out.
you sound very emotional. are you sure that you're ok? i didn't say that my situation was so tough. i was pointing out that this world is overwhelmed with stupid. i'll be fine. thanks for trying to help. i'm the best i know at dodging death. the rest is cake. by the way, in case you don't know, calling people names is not an argument. next time you want to help someone out, start by not calling them racist, stupid and fool, especially when you have no idea what you are talking about.