According to the variation in the different regions and the situation of the land, Tari-7, Kalyaniya, golden mustard, Bari mustard seed, 6-ry-5 and Daulat Kartik can be sown till Afayyayana (mid-October to mid-November) months.
Sufficient fennel, fennel, fennel and clay soil are suitable for mustard cultivation. Soil land should be easily selected to be drained.
Make the land
Mustard seeds should be cultivated in such a trickling area so that they can grow seedlings easily. The soil should be sprayed with 5 to 6 barrels of cultivation and ladder. So that the ground can not get any water. The nallah will be arranged around the ground. Then it will be possible to irrigate and water.
Sowing the seeds
Usually the mustard seeds are sown sprouts. The seeds are also sown in the rows. In the last cultivation, the seed will be sown in the last cultivation and covered with ladders. The seeds of sowing in the tree can range from one row to another 30. Mr. To be kept 2-4 cm Mustard seeds should be sown in depth. Sesame seeds are small. Therefore, for planting purposes seed can be mixed with dust or ashes. It will be beneficial for fertilizer, irrigation and weeding in the soil. In the field of seed, seed must be suitable for the pelvic sputum. If there is sufficient moisture in the soil then saplings will grow within 2-3 days.
Fertilizer application
According to the farmers, to get good quality yield of quality, apply organic fertilizer as much as possible to the cultivation of mustard cultivation. Fertilizers should be tested according to soil type and soil testing. However, if the use of organic fertilizers, both soil quality and environment will be good. If you have livestock at home, then dung can be collected from there. Dung can be collected from neighboring people who do cattle if they do not have their livestock. In addition to getting good yield, waste waste fertilizer can be used. It is possible to make garbage rotten manure by stacking it around the house and stacking garbage, duck leaves etc.
If the irrigation of irrigated water is more than the yield of golden mustard, bari mustard seeds, 6, bari mustard seeds, 6 and bari mustard seeds -7 and Bari mustard seeds-8 are used for irrigation. In the 25-30 days of seed sowing (before flowering on the tree) first irrigation and 50-55 days (flowering Time should be given to second irrigation. If the soil is low in the field during planting, then a light irrigation should be given within 10-15 days of sapling. The mustard can not bear the waterlogging. So irrigation water can not be allowed to accumulate more time.
Mustard moth: Jab insect is the main harmful insect of mustard. Both adult and young insects absorb the juice from mustard leaves, stems, flowers and fruits. If the level of attack is higher, the growth of flowers and fruits is interrupted and the leaves are curled. Junk worms emit a kind of juice, resulting in the formation of suetimoled fungus and the affected part is black. The result is not good; The size of the seed is small. Oil decreases in seed. If there is an attack on or before the attack, if the remedy is not taken, then the entire crop may be destroyed.
Mustard Seed Disease: Alternaria Brasci is known to cause deadly leaves of mustard leaves by fungus. Initially under the mustard tree, symptoms of this disease can be seen on the elderly pages. Later, the leaves of the fungus, the leaves of the stems and the result of round spots are created. If the level of attack is high then the leaves get burnt. As a result, the yield of mustard is very low.
Parasitic plant diseases: Aurobanki chief in the parasitic plants of mustard. With the roots of mustard tree, these parasitic plants connect and survive by collecting food. As a result the parasite-affected mustard trees are weakened, the growth decreases and the yield decreases. Aurobanki is a type of flowering parasite plant and its genus is dependent on the mustard tree. Its seeds lie on the ground. The origins and expansion of orbanki are derived from soil, cropped areas, irrigation water etc. The parasite spreads on the same land, when the cultivation of mustard household crops.
Locally produced organic pesticides can be used. If there is no suppression of insects, it may be contacted for consultation at the agricultural officer or upazila agricultural office at the union level of the local agricultural extension directorate.
Care at the time of cultivation
If the seedling is very dense then it will be thin. Slimming should be done within 10-15 days of sapling. There should be no sapling in the soil for sowing again, if necessary, sow the seed again. When weeds are found in the sarisara field, weeding will be removed. After 15-20 days of sowing, we will have to take a second hiatus while flowering.