Tamers of MuTerra are player avatars. They come in 5 rarities and are a must to play the RPG part of the MuTerra.
Here is how they'll look in the game :

These tamers can be bought here : MuTerra Collection
They are currently purchasable on WAX chain and after this contest is over, holders will be able to transfer them from WAX to HIVE through our UI.
The Tamers give different bonuses based on their rarity. The common tamer (To Be Revealed Soon) won't have any bonuses to give. Common tamers will be given when you buy tamer license from inside the game.
NOTE: Tamer license is still required to activate tamers of higher rarity.

There are 5 Tamers waiting to be named. We bring you this opportunity to name these tamers and give them a background story.
Participants who get their submissions selected will be rewarded with LUCKY CHARM NFT. It increases item drop chance from mutees and only 200 of these charms exist.
(The last lucky charm NFT was sold for $100+)
The moment this post gets it's Payout. (7 days from its publication)
You can submit your stories in the comment section below or in MuTerra Discord
Tamers of MuTerra were born during the period when Earth's inner radiation had started increasing. (Year 2012 till Year 2025)
Their bodies had adapted to the increasing radiation levels. (Some kind of body mutation/deformity visible)
They were the only ones to survive when the Earth's inner radiation suddenly spiked (Year 2025).
These kids had to survive attacks from mutated animals, test unknown mutated plants and go through all kinds of challenges a post-apocalyptic world had to offer, all this with no grown-up around.
Not many survived these challenges and out of those who did some stood out more than others. You are writing their stories.

Rarity :
Total Supply :
Tentative Ability :
10% increase in Physical Damage & 10% increase in Elemental Damage of Friendly Mutees
Contest 1 :
Name this tamer and Give it a background story.
Entries can be submitted in the comment section below or in MuTerra Discord
Best story and name wins a lucky charm and we'll use your suggested name for the tamer!

Rarity :
Total Supply :
Tentative Ability :
+1 Carrying Capacity
Contest 2 :
Name this tamer and Give it a background story.
Entries can be submitted in the comment section below or in MuTerra Discord
Best story and name wins a lucky charm and we'll use your suggested name for the tamer!

Rarity :
Total Supply :
Tentative Ability :
20% higher armor & 20% higher Elemental Resistance to Friendly Mutees
Contest 3 :
Name this tamer and Give it a background story.
Entries can be submitted in the comment section below or in MuTerra Discord
Best story and name wins a lucky charm and we'll use your suggested name for the tamer!

Rarity :
Total Supply :
Tentative Ability :
20% higher Stamina & 20% higher Stamina Refresh Rate
Contest 4 :
Name this tamer and Give it a background story.
Entries can be submitted in the comment section below or in MuTerra Discord
Best story and name wins a lucky charm and we'll use your suggested name for the tamer!

Rarity :
Total Supply :
Tentative Ability :
20% higher effectiveness from all potions
Contest 5 :
Name this tamer and Give it a background story.
Entries can be submitted in the comment section below or in MuTerra Discord
Best story and name wins a lucky charm and we'll use your suggested name for the tamer!


MuTerra is set in a post-apocalyptic world where radiation has killed almost all of humanity and has mutated plants and animals. You, the survivors, are tasked with ensuring that humanity doesn't go extinct by exploring the wild, capturing the mutated animals and taming them.
MuTerra is a TCG + RPG game which will be on HIVE blockchain.
The RPG aspect will deal with explorations, raids, quests and more.
While the TCG aspect will deal with PvE and PvP battles, where you collect NFTs and fight each other to prove you are the better tamer.

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MuTerra : Tamer - Story Writing - contest 1
Jade Dena was a normal girl, at least for the first 4 years of her life. Then the radiation started to increase and she began to change. Jade's parents had no idea what was happening to their perfect little girl. Her eyes turned from honey brown to unnaturally bright green. She kept sneaking out into the forest they called a backyard, climbing trees easily and moving boulders that no one thought could be moved. They had to get all sharp objects like knives out of the house because Jade would stumble upon them and, as if in a trance, swing them around, like a samurai. A year passed. Then there was the knock on their door.
"We want to keep her safe," the man had said. "Take her somewhere she won't be harmed." Jade's parents said no, but the man wasn't asking. Two seconds later men dressed in black masks ran in, grabbing a struggling Jade, taking her away. She heard her parents yell her name as some soldiers held them back. That was the last time she saw them.
The people weren't friendly. Jade knew that the moment they strapped her to the cold metal chair tying her wrists. She screamed and began to cry. "This won't hurt," the man had said. He lied. Freak. Experiment. She no longer had a name. She was kept hidden in a prison that had been abandoned years ago along with some other mutant children. They weren't even allowed to talk to each other. The last time one did, he was kept in the panic room overnight, the room where holograms showed you your fears. The boy never spoke again, not to the other kids, not to the adults, not even to himself. He never even looked at anyone, as if he did, they would be killed. Jade felt bad for the kid. She had gotten her own fair share of scars. She had been burned bad during an experiment. Most of her body healed. Except for the skin around her mouth. Ever since she kept her face hidden behind a mask. She had to cover the burns, be tough. She always had to be tough.
Jade didn't get time to herself. She was either being experimented on or training as a soldier. She became one of the greatest fighters among the kids. Her strength, her determination, those things kept her alive. Then, when she was 18 the explosion occurred.
She had been in her cell, but the radiation waves were so powerful they ripped the door right off the hinge. Jade knew she couldn't hesitate, or the adults would catch her. So she ran. Nothing in her hands but her armor and mask. Other mutants ran around her, pushing each other, hoping to get out, dreaming of the life they could maybe live out there. Jade escaped into a thick forest. after an hour of running, she climbed a tree, jumping so fast her feet barely touched the lower branches. "If your running from something in the wild, get high. You can see everything, but no one can see you." That's what her dad used to say.
Jade was lucky. On one of the tree's branches was a satchel. Probably from an old escapee who was caught, probably killed. Jade remembered a group of kids who ran off together. They were caught an hour later and never seen again. She grabbed the satchel and looked inside. Not much, just two daggers. She sighed and put her mask on.
That tree became her home. She had nothing else. Everyone thought she was dead. Not that many cared. Mutated plants and animals lived in those forests. Yet Jade survived. Not just because she fought her whole life, but because she made a strange friend. A mutated animal feared amongst many. A viper. She had no idea what it was doing in this forest, but she didn't mind much. Jade called him Buddy. It made him sound less dangerous. Well, Just being a viper made Buddy dangerous. But a mutee viper? His bite was more venomous that any creature Jade heard of. Time passed and she adapted to her new life. Then again everything changed.
Jade sat in her tree. She sniffed a plant she had found when hunting. Not poisonous. She took a tiny bite. She knew she couldn't starve herself, but she was never hungry. One effect of that stupid prison she called home. She gave the rest to her venomous friend. There was a rustle in the bushes beneath them. Jade took out her daggers. There stood a boy. He hadn't been in the base, Jade noted. She would've noticed if a boy wearing armor head to toe was there. "I can hear you," he said, looking up. Jade knew it was pointless to hide. She motioned for Buddy to stay in his spot and jumped down. "What do you want," she asked, pointing her dagger to his throat. He looked at her, as if he understood why she would be afraid. "You were kept in that prison," he said.
Jade didn't like telling people about her time there. Actually, she didn't like talking to people, period. She nodded slightly. "So you can fight. Good. Come with me." Jade almost laughed. Go with someone she didn't know? She learned her lesson the last time a man came to her door. "Why would I do that?" "I promise we are not going to hurt you. I just believe mutants should stick together," he said crossing his arms. Jade put her dagger down. You're a mutant?" He nodded. "I wouldn't be here right now if I wasn't." Jade cocked her head to the side. "What do you mean?" The boy scoffed. Then his eyes widened when he realized she really had no idea what happened. "You have a lot of catching up to do. Come with me, and I'll explain." Jade hesitated. "Promise you won't try to kill me," she said. The boy nodded. "Promise." He smiled slightly as they began to walk. "Welcome to the Tamers."
Please follow me (@gracepro) and read more of my stories.
Please share your WAX address
2kl2w.c.wam is my WAX address
Contest 4
Natascha Glazarla/Arlowna Romanowa
Some call it luck, some that investing the families fortunes payed off, her father called it godly compensation.
Natascha grew up in a world dark by nature, yet lit bright by cold artificial light.
When the scientists rang the alarm bells, her family acted quickly. The rest of the fortune, owned to the glorious past of her fathers family, was spent for scientists, teachers, an old atomic bunker, hired guns to defend it and equipment for all of them.
First they wanted to hide, then they got a mission. Protected by her mothers love, Natascha was forced to stay in the best shielded areas of the bunker since the age of 26 months. Her father still took her outside on her 3rd birthday to see the real world. The world her grandmothers family ruled over a very long time ago.
The risk was somewhat calculated with the help of the scientists. The results weren't. Similar to all humans something changed with the radiation. Adults were harmed by it and other children seemed to adapt to the radiation (some with harsher sideeffects than others) and the test results for Natascha have always been on the bright side. In the ten months hidden from most of the radiation, it seems that the body had time to regenerate and really adapt to it. With the radiation she took in during the short birthday trip, her body began to bloom. Instead of damaging her inner structure, the radiation seemed to increase her stamina (she was restless before, but now she was worse than a Duracell Bunny). Only the slow turn of her eyes color from blue to yellow didn't seem to harm her, but remained a constant worry to the hired specialists.
Under close scientific survaillance Natasche continued to get trips to the outside world. The trips grew longer and longer.
Her father was getting increasingly obsessed with his families past, when his health continued to detoriate.
A call for vengeance, mixed with a godly quest to rule the lands above have been the message he carved into his daughter during his last years. He died on her 7th birthday, holding her hands and whispering "the world" to be her last present. With the next trip the last remaining blue dots left Nataschas eyes.
Several years passed again and the supporters grow less and less. Not because of money, even though none was left. Natascha has become the new polestar for the remaining crew. But death came to visit frequently and took his new companions. Natascha grew up to become a teenager. Educated, healthy and beloved. Thought the latter was a doublesided sword. Some overdid the care and love for a children and started to worship Natascha as a new, better kind of human. Instead of her fathername she was called "eye of the eagle"/"Glazarla" or also "daugher of the eagle"/"Arlowna" by many, including the few other children that were born in the bunker. Her mother has become one of the last to call her Natascha Sergejewna Romanova.
When the radiation spiked and the last of the adults died, her mother gave her one last message: "you are strong Natascha, you are indeed beloved by god. Live. Love. Survive. And never ever forget you are human, the same as Nikolai and all the other children out there."
Together with the other children, Natascha set out to discover the new world. They got weapons, knowledge of the old world and hints to the new and the probably the most shiny eyes left to humanity.
Soon they discovered how much changed with the radiation spike. Many animals died like the adults, some "changed". Losing comrades to the mutated animals became common. But for every loss, Natascha seemed to gather new survivors. Maybe it was her little clan that attracted the others. Maybe her eyes.
Or maybe the bloody fcking Furo she managed to tame. Wounding it with a wellplaced shot from her trusted Tokarev SVT-40 she was also the first to arrive at its landing spot. She was already engaged in closed combat, when her expedition partner Nikolai arrived. He managed to grap the giant bird with his gorilla arms and legend is that a single, long stare of Natascha was enough to charm the Furo into becoming her 2nd expedition partner.
Some years later they had settled near Irkutsk, but still were found by Fiona. Fiona was a challenge in many ways for Natascha. The first to not follow her rule. The first known to Natascha that has tamed a mutee as well. And the first to lure Natascha out from her home area to an island where a new world order should be formed.
Contest 3
Aigen aka Aigendaidou (合現代道)
Hiroshima of all places. The gods can be ironic from time to time.
If it has a connection to the terrors that humankind did to itself some decades ago or if it was pure coincidence. It will never be known.
When the old world died and the new began, Hiroshima was one of the main centers. Many of the children in the region survived and adapted to the changed environment. Soon several clans were formed, but the most interesting one was formed around one single “samurai”. “Aigendaidou” - “The new way of harmony” was the motto and the name the samurai was referred to. The closer friends said simply “Aigen”.
They all “knew” Aigen, or rather the ideology behind the clan, but noone even has seen Aigen without armor yet. The reason is simple. While gifted with an aura that increased friendly armor, the mutation had a heavy burden. Scars is not enough to describe the changes that Aigen had to endure. Ashamed to watch the own mirror reflection she made sure to never expose her real self to the others. The voice would normally have given her away, but not any longer. It was so raspy that it sounded like cutting a sheet of paper with one of the two wakizashis, that she always had by her side.
Solitude and a mission had been her entire life. Finding a new way. A way to coexist with the mutees, that Aigen felt a strange connection to. Maybe because many had similar horrific transformations than her.
And maybe that was the reason why the giant floating jelly, that disturbed her meditation on some day, did not attack her, but simply stayed there for several hours. When Aigen left the rocky stones that reminded her of the Meoto Iwa, the Jelly went with her and never again left her side.
(disclaimer: the name Aigendaidou might need some finetuning from someone who really speaks japanese)
Contest 3:
Kenshi 剣士
Kenshi, the sword of the Samurai. A good name for a warrior. A bad name for a deceiver. And Kenshi was both.
Fearless and Strong.
Fast and smart.
Straight and broken.
Honest and lying with every breath.
Kenshi is unique in many aspects. The most important one is, that it was no human, but a mutee. Not an Aurora, but somewhat similar to it or humanity. Enough to wear armor and disguise itself as human.
Speaking by telepathy strangely it has worked out so far without blowing up the cover.
The second uniqueness is its unbending will to form a new alliance with humanity. Something changed. Maybe Izanagi und Izanami touche the earth a second time with their godly spear. Or it was Susanoo that caused not only the sea but also the land and many of its inhabitants to change.
Kenshi understood some of them. Kenshi wanted to use this chance to bring peace to Earth and all of its inhabitants.
And for that Kenshi needs to know the most important humans that are still alive. Even if it means travelling to a little lonely island in the southwest.
(technically the kanji in the background may also mean "swordsman", but.. wanted to break with tradition ;) And Sword of the samurai sounds better.)
Contest 5
Grown up on one of the Andaman Islands, Debo’rah enjoyed her childhood. She always had sharp ears, even more than the rest of her clan. Hunting wild animals, searching for roots, nuts and other wonders mother Earth gave them has been her education.
Caring for the weak, helping the ones in need and respecting her elders was the deeper sense of life.
When the elders died one by one, Debo’rah and the other children felt lost. “When the world changes, we adapt” is what elder Endu’reh taught them. “It is known and has always been”.
The last quest given by him was for all children the same: “Look out for each other. One alone is weak, but many are strong.” Yet to Debo’rah he added in private: “There is a wast world outside the island. Venture out to discover it. Try to understand it. And come back and protect your siblings. When you were born, I cast the dice and bones. They showed me the sun, symbol of the outside world. Potions and herbs, the bringer of health and pain looked strong on you. Either the effects should be even stronger on you, or you can make them stronger for everyone. This one I didn’t see. Finally the bones showed me also “needle and ears”.. at least this one seems clear.
When Endu’reh died, Debo’rah waited one full cycle of the moon, before she left her home.
Care for the weak and help the ones in need. Did this also count for mutees? Debo’rah wasn’t sure, but when she saw the poor creature, she couldn’t help herself. Using the herbs, found in the vicinity; adding some of the dried ones she took with her and the potion of strength was brewed. At least the human version of it. Would it work on the mutee as well? Without a better plan, Debo’rah tried it.
And thought she failed. It worsened the condition of the poor animal, she thought she had killed it. But on the third day, just barely, it seemed to recover. Several days later the mutee was as strong as it ever could have been. Thankful it looked ad Debo’rah. Nibbled her ears. And didn’t leave her side.
Contest 2
Strong as a bear. Heated as a wolf. And beautiful as a butterfly.
Alexa always had a strong aura on her. Running around with her friends and escaping her mothers stern looks, she was quite happy. Reading stories about warrior princesses and amazons sparkled a light in her, where she longed to be one of them.
When the world changed. She didn’t. When the others mutated, she didn’t feel more than a constant urge to run, work hard and carry more. She was restless, couldn’t sit still.
Some months after the last of the adults had died, Alexa found an old medieval museum in the neighbor town. Amazed, she spend most of a day in it and grabbed finally an armor, she previously knew only from computer games. But Alexa didn’t care that the armor gave little protection against enemies and the cold. The former she didn’t fear, the latter didn’t hurt her. It seemed like an inextinguishable fire burned in her, voiding the need for clothing. Even with a loincloth she would have been satisfied. Strangely only the nail polish seemed to be important to her apart her fascination for the medieval world.
The amazon Alexa. It seemed like a name of the past, yet prone to proof herself in the unknown future.
How she tamed her first mutee it remains a mystery. How she found her way to the Andaman Islands as well. But now they are here and they want to prove themselves.
The warlord of the strong fortress painless symbol of patience
Contest 1
Traditional and modern world side by side. Not many countries lived this extreme as the Japan of the late 20th century.
Atarashi would be an example of this world. While her name stands for “new” she grew up in a very traditional family, still clinging to their ancestors and their way of living.
It proved rather useful though, when the world changed and electric devices seized their function, that the heirloom of Atarashi contained a large supply of feudal Japanese weapons. And that she grew up learning the ways of a kunoichi.
Hiding in the dark. Observing. Make it quick and merciless. If Atarashi had a goal, she would reach it fast and clean.
And the goal is clear: survive.
Do not get surprised by a mutee. Surprise them yourself.
Do not get killed by a mutee. Kill them faster.
Do not fall for their traps. Trap them yourself.
Do not get attracted by your enemies. Charm them yourself.
The last one proved troublesome, when she felt a strange connection to one of the mutees. She couldn’t bring it over her hearth to kill it. When it left, she felt glad.
When it came back even better.
Drive Apple with the power of faith Protect and protect Alice.
NAME: Tareek
Slash-kick-stab-hack-stab-slash, the movements came at an impossible speed. Kick-stab-slash-slash, mutated animal parts flew in all directions as the green and red whirlwind cut its way through the attacking horde. As the few remaining mutees fled from the horrific slaughter, Tareek paused to catch his breath. He hadn't always been this way, once upon a time he had dreamed of playing basketball in the NBA. That had been before the fateful trip to Japan with his dad.
As Tareek cleaned and sharpened his weapons, he thought back to what now seemed a completely different lifetime. He'd been with his dad at the underground market where they were trying to buy some of the black-market radiation cure. The vendor wasn't interested in cash and his dad was getting frantic. That's when the police had swarmed in and grabbed his dad and the vendor. Tareek was able to slip away without being noticed and he had been hiding in the streets for a few days when the grownups started dropping like flies.
He had banded up with a bunch of the other kids and they had gone around scavenging food and water from the abandoned stores. That had lasted for only a few weeks before the strange creatures started attacking. Luckily Tareek was bigger and faster than most of the other kids, so he was able to escape each time the mutees attacked. After a few weeks of this, only the fastest of them were still alive.
One day they had found an old shop full of Samurai armor and weapons. One of the other kids had been training in Samurai fighting techniques before the sickness killed the grown ups and he started teaching the remaining children how to defend themselves against the wild animals. At first it was strange and scary to put on all of the armor and go fight with the mutated creatures, but as time went on it became just a part of the daily routine.
Something weird was happening to the other kids, they were changing, one of them had started growing claws on his fingers. Another started growing fur all over her body. Tareek was glad that he wasn't changing, except he was. As time passed he realized that his movements were becoming much faster than the other kids'. The fighting became pathetically easy and he grew bored of it.
One day instead of killing one of the creatures he captured it and locked it up. In some ways it reminded him of the dog he had gotten for his 7th birthday. He decided to try and tame it. Eventually Tareek was capturing and taming all kinds of the wild mutees. The other kids started referring to him as 'The Tamer.' He liked it...
NAME: Taryn
Taryn had always loved the stories about the time before 'The Dying.' She'd heard it said that back then there was always enough food, and people had magical houses that would light up on their own when it got dark at night. Even stranger were the stories of giant busses with wings like birds that hundreds of people could get into and fly anywhere in the world. Personally she didn't believe most of these stories, everyone knew that the only people who could fly were the fabled air mutee tamers.
Taryn's parents had grown up in the mountains of Colorado. They had been lucky, their parents, (Taryn's Grandparents) had been considered "crazy prepper nut-jobs" who had stored up years worth of food and other supplies. By the time Taryn was born, most of these supplies had been used up, so Taryn had learned young how to fend for herself. She'd learned how to shoot the guns but the ammunition had all been shot by the time she was 15. There had been a crossbow too, but the string had broken and it was useless. Now Taryn's weapon of choice was a giant sword she'd found in an old store in town.
Taryn loved a challenge and had faced more than her fair share of encounters with the wild mutees. She would go in search of mutees to conquer and thrived on any kind of stressful situation. Well, there was one type of stressful situation she couldn't bear. All of the boys seemed to be after her and she would do everything in her power to avoid them!
NAME: Elleyna "the Green"
"Little Miss Pointy Ears," that's what the other kids called her. Well, unless they were calling her "Long Legs," "Ugly Ears," "Tallskinny," or just "That Weird Girl." Elleyna hated it, and they knew it. Her mom told her not to let it bother her, that all the other kids had strange things about them too. But Elleyna couldn't seem to fit in no matter what she did. When she felt particularly sad or angry, Elleyna would go to the nearby forest to get away from people. The other kids were afraid of the animals that lived there, but Elleyna preferred them over people.
She always took some meat scraps with her to feed the wild animals and eventually they got used to her and would let her pet them. As the years passed, Elleyna began spending more and more of her time in the forest. One day she took her bow and left town once and for all. She was a good hunter and forager, so she never lacked food, but always hated killing the wild creatures. She sometimes thought she should go hunt the humans in town instead of the animals.
Spending so much time in nature helped her develop a vast understanding of the plants and minerals around her. She began testing different combinations of materials and soon became an expert potion crafter.
One day Elleyna found a strange green stone she had never seen before. When she bent to pick it up, she felt a wave of power surge through her hand and up her arm. Surprised, she dropped the stone and jumped back. She'd seen many strange things before, but nothing like this. Her arm felt different, she glanced at it and saw that some sort of weird pattern had appeared on her skin. She tried touching the stone with a stick... nothing.
After some experimentation Elleyna found that if she hung the stone by a silver chain it seemed to disperse some of the power and she could wear it without it marking her skin any more. When wearing the stone she discovered that she could see in the dark, a very useful ability in the wild. At first she didn't realize it, but the stone also made her hair and eyes glow a faint green. On the rare occasions when she encountered other humans, they didn't make fun of her or call her names anymore. They either ran away terrified or treated her with great respect.
She woke up in the hours that lay between night and morning. Everything was clammy from the wetness and small drops of water had formed on the fabric of her blanket.
The mutee was still asleep. She still could not believe that they had been able to catch the Flamanderia so easily.
Glow wasn't sure what exactly had happened, but it had to have something to do with her eyes or her aura. She wasn't always called Glow. Her name was Gloria and she could still remember her mother's affectionate emphasis.
She remembered the time when her brother still accompanied her to explore and understand the new world. Gabriel had drifted away from her in recent years and she blamed her mutation. Gabriel had always been the tougher of the two and had often helped her out of dicey situations. But after the breakthrough of her mutation, that had changed. Her eyes really shone and in the darkness she had to wear dark glasses to not be seen for miles. This glow gave her unrestricted vision at night. In addition, she was almost inexhaustible. Sometimes this was even scary for her.
Maybe that's why she had volunteered for the task force. To find herself. To bring herself into harmony with her abilities. To go from Glow to Gloria again? She was torn up inside.
Then the hunt brought her to other thoughts and the Flamanderia had proven to be a tough opponent. But when it was confronted and had hardly a chance to escape, something very strange had happened. As she had fixed it with her eyes to make sure that it could not escape, it seemed to relax. The defensive posture hardly seemed aggressive anymore and she could approach it up to two arm lengths. The large fireproof container, perfectly placed by the team beforehand, readily accepted the Flamanderia and except for occasional hissing sounds, there was no resistance. Even as Glow stood at the entrance to the container, the Flamanderia seemed more interested than hostile.
After the container was stowed, there was little talk in the fighter squad. Some of the fighters had also mutated and had abilities or enhanced physical features, but they hadn't experienced anything like that before.
Glow had tracked mutees for fun at the very beginning, when she was aware of her abilities, and started studying their behavior. This was almost like her childhood wish - because she wanted to become a veterinarian at that time. Her brother wanted to become a track and field athlete, but then everything turned out differently. Dreams were shattered and the world was a different place.
Today she was the leader of the Muteeriums! The troop, which was used to learn everything about the Mutees, which hunted particularly aggressive ones to bring them down and special Mutees that they even tried to tame. The job was interesting.
She had to laugh briefly, because she had never thought to have such a job. Forest came to her briefly, who did not bear his name for nothing. His skin had turned forest green and his skin was tough like leather. Actually, his name was Henry, but no one called him that anymore. Just as she was now Glow! After they did start a warming fire the sat down and Forest began to speak: "So what now boss? What do we do now with the Flamanderia? That one is pretty strange!"
NAME: Anita
Anita chewed slowly, savoring every bite of the tender flesh of the mutee she had hunted this morning. Alone as she ate, Anita thought back to better times, times when she and her friends and fellow survivors would share a meal together around the fire. But now all of her friends had either been killed or had abandoned her. She idly wondered why they had all left her, was it her raging temper, her harsh behavior, or maybe because she preferred eating her mutee fresh and raw.
She shook herself, no use dwelling on the past, times had changed and she had to focus on the here and now, or else she would end up being the fresh, raw dinner for a hungry mutee. She just knew that she was no longer a normal human. Oh well, it was better to be a monster and alive, than to be normal and end up as one of the dead humans. She finished the last bite of mutee and washed it down with a swallow of the fermented fire berry drink she loved.
Time to find a safe place to sleep before it got dark...
One must love that artwork!
Contest 4
Tanya the Savage
The oldest of 3, when the world changed and the adults vanished forever, Tanya was left with her two younger siblings to protect, Gian and Iris. A strong since of duty and determination not to lose her remaining family, Tanya did everything and anything she had to, in order to protect her younger brother and little sister.
She would often test the radiated flora. Small bites to check for poison or anything harmful. Often times it was painful.
One particular night. After having a small bite, she stuffed a poisonous plant into her mouth, thinking it was safe. Her body developed a resistance to toxins and she thought it was safe. Unfortunately she developed fever and her eyes began to glow. In their worry, her siblings decided to split up. Iris stayed and looked after her while Gian went out for proper food and water.
Upon returning, Gian saw an unrecognizable, mutated creature at the mouth of the cave they were staying in. With everything he could muster, he rushed to his sisters. The creature saw him and attempted to attack but he deftly dodged the massive talons aimed at his gut. He threw the berries and edible roots he had into the cave and took out his makeshift wooden spear before standing between his sisters and the monster.
Poor Gian did what he could, but was no match for the beast. He dodged and stabbed with his spear. When he made contact to its back leg, the beast countered with a jab of it's claws and impaled Gian in his stomach. Upon seeing this, Tanya gained desperate strength, fatigue left her and she stood up before it could finish her dear brother. She then grabbed her own wooden spear and hurled it towards the beast. It dug deep into its side and it charged for her. Tanya was quicker and dodged, grabbing her brothers spear, shoving it into it's head.
From then on, Tanya never tired, she would face whatever came her way with determination. And since that day, her eyes never stopped glowing.
contest 4
Christina the Cold Hearted
Christina was born in Fort Nelson Canada. She was the only child of her parents. Christina’s mother died when she was 3 years old. So, her father Tom, a park ranger, had to take care for her.
As soon as Christina was old enough, Tom took her with him onto his patrols through the national park. This way she learned a lot about the wilderness, its flora and fauna. Christina loved to take long trails through the national park. Sometimes they spend several days outside camping and hiking.
When the world around them started to change and the wilderness became a dangerous place, this changed. Tom decided it was time to train Christina in self-defense. This included learning to shoot with a long rifle.
Christina was a quick learner. Soon she was shooting better than her father. When Tom started to get sick from the strong radiation Christina took over the responsibility to take care of them both.
One day when she came home from a hunt. Christina found Tom surrounded by a pack of mutated wolfs. Even though she was able to kill two of them from afar with her rifle. She came to late. The Alpha Wolf had already killed her father before running away.
In tears Christina followed the trail of this monster and came to a hidden cave, not far from her home. A light glow was coming from inside, as if a fire was burning in it.
Cautiously with her rifle being ready she entered the cave. She was surprised. The glow got more intense the deeper she got into the cave, while at the same time it was getting colder and colder.
After a few minutes she came to a hall like room. The wolf was standing on a plateau looking into Christina’s eyes. She would never forget that look. His eyes where glowing like golden yellow Topaz.
Then, without any warning the wolf ran into her direction a jumped from the plateau. Christina snatched up her rifle and gave a well-placed shot into his direction.
Her shot hit the wolf directly into the chest, but it was not able to completely stop him. His heavy body buried her under itself. His claws draw wounds into her arm and legs. While his teeth neared her throat. - Then the wolf collapsed above her and the light in his eyes vanished.
It took her a few seconds until she realized, that she was not going to die like her father. Her shot hit his black heart and killed the monster.
When she was able to work herself out under the wolfs body, she was covered in his blood. In the mean time it was too cold and dark outside to get home, so Christina decided to stay in this cave for the night.
When she woke up again something was strange. She felt stronger than before. Herr wounds and bruises had already started to heal. She took the usable parts of the killed mutee and went home.
At home the first thing she did was burying her father. Then she was started to think about her future. With 14 years she was now completely alone. The wilderness she loved so much for her complete childhood has become a dangerous place.
A few days ago Tom had told her, about a group of people calling themselves Tamers. They stood up against these mutees and the radiated world. Christina took a decision. Alone she would die for sure. She would search for these Tamers. And she would become the Best of them.
She would not rest until the last of these beasts was dead. For her father – for a better world.
Contest 3
Living Armor of the Shogun
In a museum, far from Andaman, there is a suit of armor, worn by a long forgotten legend. All that is known of the man who wore it, is he was a mighty warrior in the times of the Samurai in ancient Japan. Long ago, before the radiation came, The Armor of the Shogun was found buried amongst bones. Somehow the man in the Armor was mummified, and blood stained the armor despite being thousands of years old. Two, twin rusted katana were in his dried, leathery hands.
After it's discovery, many scientist were fascinated by the body being mummified and the blood stains remaining on the suit of armor. They studied both the body and the armor. Searching for the mans lineage and clues as to how the suit had been made and why the blood remained preserved on the suit. No clues were found for any of the questions. The scientists gave up, and donated the swords, the armor and the body to a museum until more advancements in science could produce answers for them.
When the radiation came, the blood dried on the armor began to glow, and soak into the armor. Next to the armor, the mummified remains of the samurais body glowed, then began to wither, and crumble to dust, while the rusted swords which hung above the suit shook and glowed as well. The rest on the swords dusted from the sword, and was absorbed into the sword which was renewed and shined. The glow subsided from the armor and katanas. No part of the body remained. When the glow left the armor and katanas, the sockets of the armor then began to glow, and the armor became animated. It scanned it's surroundings before grabbing the pristine blades hanging above it.
contest 3
Ryuu was born in Tokyo as son of a normal working-class family. He went to school, met his friends. He was just a normal boy.
When the radiation got stronger and all the adults’ died Ryuu was just 10 years old. The first month where terrible. Ryuu and the other kids where not used to take care for themselves. Many of his friends died from radiation, or from mutee attacks.
One day - Ryuu was searching for food in a remote building, he got trapped by two spiderlike mutees. He already thought this was the end, when one of the mutees broke down. A big arrow pointing through its opened mouth.
The other mutee was looking around. Trying to find the attacker, when suddenly a masked figure jumped down, from a higher level of the building landing on the mutees back and killing it with one strike of his Katana.
Ryuu was very lucky. The two kids who rescued him, where part of a group of young people calling themselves the “Street Samurai”. They took Ryuu with them, gave him food and taught him everything he needed to know to become a worthful member of their society.
In the start Ryuu had just easy tasks for the Samurai. Deliver messages, bring food to outposts. Things like that. When he got older, and mastered the art of fighting with sword and bow, he became part of the scavengers hunting mutees and gathering minerals.
Ryuu never was a weak guy. But over the time the radiation started to change his body. His strength increased.
At the age of 19 Ryuu was the strongest man within the Street Samurai. This and his keen sense for tactics made him later the War Master of the Street Samurai.
As a gratitude for his long serving to the Street Samurai Ryuu got a special present from them. Out of old Samurai Armor and Mutee Body parts they crafted a very special Suit of Armor for him, which was nearly impenetrable.
From now on he was known as “Tsuyoshi” which means as much as The Strong or The Sturdy.
When Tsuyoshi heard of a council of Tamers which formed in the west. He asked for permission to go there with a few of his men. Now he is on his way to Andaman Island where his future and the future of humanity as a whole may unfold….
Contest 4
Scarlett the white
Scarlett doesn’t think back often, she hasn’t since a long time now.
Back at the time which was the hardest of her life - like for many others, and most weren’t as lucky as other ones…
But it doesn’t matter either.
What matters is what happened to her.
She can’t explain it, but she understood - over time.
She lived at the feet of the canadian mountains with her parents. After that incident years ago she was glad her father teached her what plants are consumable and how to hunt and get use of all parts of her prey.
But she felt different and it took a while to recognize that her eyes got a steady spooky glimmer.
That must have been the reason why others that came around on their journey left soon after talking some few words.
She gave a fuck on it.
She was rather alone by her self.
On her hunts she felt little exhausted, mostly her prey was first tired of being hunted. If she had to take a rest on her long hikes through her domain it didn’t need to be long and she needs only a few hours of sleep.
She learned to control some bio-chemical processes of her body like Body temperature, heart beat and Adrenalin niveau at will.
It took a long time. But she mastered her skills.
Now she heard there are others like her, and they gather. She wants to find and join them.
She was alone long enough!
Rare Tamer Card: Total supply 250
Angela Snowalker
Born in the snowland even before the disaster happened. Part of a tribe of individuals that prided
themselves in their ability to survive in extreme cold weather.
Angela lost her parents at a very young age. Her parents and their tribe members had to hunt
for a living and eventually lost their lives to a severe wound. She had to adapt quickly as a young child as no one really cared for her and did not want a burden. Through hardship and intense struggles, she become strong and independent and also developed a cold personality.
When the earth radiation spiked, and the horde of mutated animals attacked their tribe, Angela was able to adapt faster than her peers. She was able to make calm and informed decisions whilst her peers mostly got gged by the attack. In order to survive, she ate whatever she could get her hands including several unknown plants. However, she did not trust the mutated animals and hence has committed to become a vegetarian.
Now she is considered the leader of the tribe and has led whatever was left in the tribe to a safer location.
Contest 4
Origin: Greek and Russian
Meaning: Adaptable and easygoing
Description: This name comes from the Greek word “rhadios,” which means “adaptable.”
Armed with a relic Raisa has found in one of her expeditions, she aims to hunt the best delicacy. She has tasted it all, from the wild bulls of the great plains to the deep sea sharks in distant seas. Be it braised or grilled, she aims to feast on the meat of exotic and powerful beasts. But there is one place where she has yet to explore and hunt - the artic wilderness. As a hunter, preparing for the cold weather has been easy when she has all the pelt she could use to craft her own jacket. Furthermore, her years in expeditions have honed her body to adapt in grueling situations.
The journey might be frought with dangerous beasts and perilous terrain but Raisa would not be stopped. To reach the highest mountains till the reaches of the distant sea, Raisa wish to explore it all. Only then will she find the best food there is the world. Because to Raisa, food is happiness.
Contest 4
Let me tell you the story of Venandi.
Petite, at first sight, but tough as hell. Not surprising when you consider that she comes from the cold and unforgiving north. As the daughter of a hunter she was in no way inferior to her father. She and her father liv.... Forget it, that place no longer exists, and neither should the memory, too painful....
Since the radiation, she has struggled through the world, largely on her own. With her father's rifle. An engraving, still barely visible, reminds her of him every day. That was a little more than 20 years ago.
The world has changed. With it all life on it. Few know that she used to have blue eyes. Today they are amber. Curse or blessing? I don't know yet. But she can see at distances, which has long been invisible to the "normal" eye. Still what is normal nowadays. Frustrating in any case, because no rifle can keep up with her vision.
As a hunter, she never had any sympathy for animal tamers... but... extraordinary times require extraordinary means. So, in order to survive in this harsh world, Venandi also had to...tame...a...thing. In pairs, the chances of survival increase considerably. Although, you always see Venandi alone if you ever get to see her. But she is always accompanied. The others call this tamed mutee “Guard”. They are convinced that it must protect Venandi, because how else could one survive alone in the wilderness with all these wild mutees? Robust they both seem to be, as rarely as they visit the surrounding villages.
The others like them, though. Not at least because of her rifle and her senses, her vision first of all. She has already saved the lives of others several times. I didn’t count but I think… a few hundred? When a wild mutee attacks a villager, in most cases, a bang brings the encounter to an end, only one, she never misses.
Rumor has it that she is never far from the villages, she likes people but has devoted herself to nature. Who am I? How do I know all this about Venandi? That's not important. But know that everything I told you today is true.
Epic Tamer: Erika Flowerbed
Born in the Elf Kingdom, she was the illegitimate daughter of the Elf King. She was the daughter of a Elf warrior who was a close guard to the King.
The King had many wives but Erika’s mother was never officially announced as a wife. Hence, Erika’s mom was hated by the other wives and eventually lost her place as a personal guard and became a servant.
Erika, also had to learn the weis of a servant at a very young age and was ridiculed by the children of the other wives of the King. Whilst the other kids received the royalty treatment, erika and her mom had to suffer tremendously as lowly servants of the kingdom where they only get a slice of bread daily for their daily 20 hrs of work. However, erika never complained to her mother and secretly trained in her free time. She did not have any fancy clothing or whatnot, but she was able to live independently and built up a strong mind as she received taunts and humiliation from the other kids.
Erika’s mother was furious that the King treated them this way but she could not do anything. Eventually, she was bedridden from the hardship and eventually passed away and no one attended her funeral. The king did not even bat an eye. Erika become extremely livid one day wen the other wives gathered with their children to throw insults and her.
She picked up the kitchen knife and charged at the Wives and the heirs. There were 6 heirs present at the movement and they ordered they personal guards to take down erika. 10 guards suddenly appeared and slashed down on Erika. Erika was able to defend against the attack thanks for her training and proceeded to cut down the 10 guards. The 6 heirs were in deep shock and regretted not bringing more guards with them and drew their sword to battle Erika.
Erika was still extremely angry and just as she was about to charge, an explosion occurred. Hordes of mutated animals stormed the Kingdom with screams all over. The heirs panicked and tried to run away, but the mutated animal quickly chased them down and gg-ed them.
Erika, knowing that she cant beat the mutated animal decides to use her agility and escape from the chaos. After running for quite a well she decided to settle down in a forest. She encountered some mutated animals along the way but she was able to take them down as there were only a few of them at once as opposed to the thousands that stormed the kingdom.
Later on, she become powerful and tamed several animals.
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