LONG LOST LOVE............... ~~MY-NICHE~~

in #my-niche β€’ 7 years ago (edited)

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Deolu would forever love and cherish Sade even though she was no longer present with him in flesh. She passed unto the world beyond 3years ago. He wished he had recognized in time just how much she loved him and was willing to sacrifice all for him.


He wouldn't be wrong to say he killed her both physically and emotional. He had thought all ladies were the same until he witnessed the reverberating love Sade showed him even in her last minutes on earth. How did he even meet Sade and started the love journey?


He had just broken up with his lover of 5years who he caught cheating with her so-called Bestie! How he would never believe any girl that has a male bestie... He concluded he lost trust in all girls! It was at this critical time when he usually cried himself to do everything that Sade knocked on his door on that fateful day.


She was a Jehovah Witness and had come to drop him pamphlets which he usually love to read. She met him in a very morose mood that day and tried comforting him but he pushed her away. Sade was equally as stubborn as her faith demanded for she came the next day with hot cooler of white rice and stew. He couldn't reject food.


Against his will, she forced herself to become friends with him. Cared for Deolu in every way she can. At first it was religious, later it developed to affectionate. It is seen as improper for a Nigerian lady to ask a guy out. She could only partly show how she cared, left to the guy to decipher. This made it all hard for poor Sade.


Deolu was in foul mood one day when she visited as usual. He told her he didn't want to see anyone but she insisted she stays to comfort his raging heart. He wouldn't have none of her obstinacy this time around and decided to take it violently! He wanted to push her out the door but instead Hit her harder in the chest accidentally! She fell and collapse!


It was later at the hospital she was rushed to that he knew she was an asthmatic patient. His hit affected her lungs so much that survival was a slim chance! He pitch his tent in the hospital and always reminded Sade he would do anything for her if she survived. As a last parting gift for him, she lied to her parents she hit her chest against the wall to shield Deolu from any blames.


His love couldn't save her this time around for she gave up the fight and died smiling... Knowing, she would occupy a larger part of the heart of the man she loved....... She didn't over think it! He couldn't and wouldn't get Sade's loving memories and love out of his mind!!!


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Wow! beautifully written, poetic and intriguing at the same time. Really touched me. Kudos!

Thank you dear... You are adorable!


What a tragedy. Feel like crying right now. But don't get it twisted, I'm a man. Good work dear.

Lol... Pls dont cry o... Thank you dear

Wow.... It feels so real.

Someone could really get emotional after reading this.
βœ‹ I am now allergic to hitting chests from now.

Thanks for this wonderful piece.

Hahahahahha... Are you guilty of hitting chests before now??? Lol

Interesting read. Thank you for sharing this masterpiece😍

Thank you for reading sir....

Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

You could actually enroll in film industry as script writer, you know

You think i could make it as a script writer?? πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ

Damn... Them' Feels.
following you from now on :)

I am flattered!!! Following back!!