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RE: The Story Of How I Found A Friend

in #my7 years ago

in spite of what it can be believed, pet of all types could save human life.. i was in Swiss one year ago for holiday with my boyfriend.. i was at my cousin's house and in that period i had flue... my cousin's cat felt that there was something wrong in me and, i swear, it stayed with me, next to me until i was healed.. it was great to have its support and its kindness although derived from an animal was very important for me..


Thats amazing, pets do have a special way of comforting the one ones they love and they'll do anything just to make you smile. It's a great feeling I must say, the relationship between we humans and some certain animals, it's almost as though you could communicate with them and feel their thoughts. It's a pity some people can't feel that friendship bond between we and pets because they don't have one, well am glad I've got a pet, a lovely one at that :)