Gamers are characters different from the world and also from another world entirely.
We have vast thinking on our every steps, gamers always have high IQ,but the saddest thing is that people never believe that gamers are unique,they think we're just wasting our lives and time,which is not true.
They're different types of gamers(based on my favorite game CODM)which are;
- The noob.
Noobs in call of duty mobile are equivalent to the boys hahahahaha(just kidding) The noob are players that are new to the game and don't have much experience with gaming like my friend @victorbch hahahaha,they are so cute when playing most especially the girls. - The pro players.
These are gamers that have been exposed to the game and are more experienced than the noobs.
The are always with their squad and always move in groups.
They kinda like teamwork. - Legendary players.
The legendary gamers are more experienced and skilled than the pro players,they love playing with someone they know and not with any random squad,if they are with only one of their friends,they prefer playing duo versus squads. - The gods.
These are invisible players that always fly solo, teamwork sounds weird to their hearing.
They are always looking for kills than to win the match.
The are master of all weapons and also take advantage of any situation they find themselves. - The rich players.
The rich players can be any of the above players but are always flying different skins which are mostly legendary skins from the battle pass and cost money. - The not so rich gamers.
These are players that do not have money to buy the battle pass in game e.g(me hahaha),but mostly they are gods in the game because whenever a free skin is released they grind hard for it,and also they play the game most just to grind for a better gun skin or character. - Friendly gamers.
These are gamers mostly legendary gamers that wants to make friends with other gamers without talking to them,but with signs called emotes.
And sometimes they do troll the noobs just to have fun.
And lastly. - The toxic players.
These are the most feared players in the game because they put in feelings when playing,toxic gamers are once gods in the game but due to a physical challenge or emotional challenge it affects their way of gaming, imagine a player god that just received a heartbreak from his or her partner,he/she will add the feelings to the game and become toxic,full with rage,show no mercy to the noobs.
They only needs to be loved and that will surely make them become less toxic.
Facts on gamers. - They have high IQ.
- They are intelligent and always looking for possible solutions to a problem.
- They are the quite type,but once they are free with you,you will know that they aren't that bad
- They do not play anyhow games,but their favorites.
- A gamer bit always love a gamer girl
Everybody has their own different wishes but hey, gamers wishes are mostly the same. - They always want a better gaming device.
- The gamer boys love a gaming girl
- They wants a perfect gaming lair
Those are their three most common wishes.
I'm a not so rich player.
And I enjoy playing solo.
Thanks for reading and let me know the type of gamer you are.
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