This is my Hobby: LEARNING
Since I was very young I've been a really curious person. The majority of my time I spend it lurking and analyzing the function of things, from electronic gadgets to the human mind.
When I was a kid I'd enjoy seeing my dad fixing TVs and different domestic appliances. I used to ask a lot of questions like how does that work, why does it do that. I also spent a lot of time in the library putting in my head all of the information I've gotten from illustrated encyclopedias and books in general.
My interest in learning lead me to the self teaching way of living. Starting with computers until I became a technician messing around with my console or the CPU my family and I used. This started to be like a secondary hobby to me, but always learning as my number one hobby. The Internet and tutorials have helped me a lot in this, that's why day after day I believe in the good use of the web.
Continued my education in school and finished high school when I decided to study audiovisual arts. Before all of this I had tried photography with my very first camera that my aunt gave to me as a birthday gift when I turned 14, I practiced with it until I was able to buy something better and enrolled in a really good institute on my own.
Studying in college made me realize that all of the information I was taught was actually very basic, which lead me to understand a lot of other, more complex, concepts by myself; investigating, observing and practicing it. That was when I discovered that learning was one of the things that interested me the most to become an integral and independent person, and that I was applying this philosophy without knowing when I was a child.
My passion for learning goes beyond the love I feel for audiovisuals and photography. Thanks to wanting to understand certain concepts or functions I began creating new hobbies, e.g. photography, which now I'm extremely happy of doing it as my job, you can even say I have my dream job.
For a while I was working in a computers workshop, even though I did it because I needed the money, I realized it was the perfect moment to understand the client's behavior towards the employee and the other way around. This work experience lasted about a year and a half and prepared me completely for the corporate/office lifestyle, it's not my thing, but I know I can pull it off when it's necessary and I can take orders and overachieve the expectations.
Although I want to dedicate my life to photography and to visual arts, I don't put away the fact of having additional jobs just to live the experience. I would love to work as a lobby boy, even, office manager, street seller or maybe taxi driver, I just want to feel what is like for those who work in these jobs, and nourish myself within this amazing source of knowledge daily.
Now I am absolutely sure that my hobby is learning, and that everything that I learn I'll apply it in my life. Someday I want to be a movie director, with the capacity of directing a crew for a big project or for a small one, a cast of actors, etc. with a really great base to say "do it like this, not like that". But meanwhile, I'm focusing on traveling, meeting and learning so then I'll be able to do the job correctly with freedom, having the profession I've always wanted: movie director.
Learning has made me appreciate time, that's why I've always tried to live my life everyday with a special something new (with certain amount of procrastination). It's part of my life, wanting to understand the functionality of the world is an everyday thought and everyone that knows me for a few months even, will realize that. I always ask why's and how's, points of view and opinions, with respect openminded for discussions.
One day I'll dedicate into the studies of the human behavior, such as philosophy, anthropology, sociology, politics, social studies, publicity... All of this to apply it someday in my short films and big projects. Like everyone, I wouldn't like to do the same all the time, that's why I want to break paradigms, plus leaving a mark in society, without caring about the weight of it all, not caring about the recognition (but it would be cool to get all of the fame :D)
thanks for read! this is for the hobby contest by @anomadsoul,