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RE: CONTEST: My 2018: A tour around my town - 100 SBD in Prizes

in #my20187 years ago

a very interesting contest but unfortunately I can not take part because my residence does not fit your contest criteria. I live in a dull city with a very backward infrastructure, dusty roads in the dry season and muddy paths in the rainy season. I strongly support your successful contest master.


I think that is just perfect for the contest. What criteria does it not fit? It sounds very interesting and I, for 1, would love to see you enter and show us your little piece of the world!

Make a post where you show us your hometown and the activities you can do there, the food, the people, the places, everything! You can make a video, post photos, make it a written post... whatever you want to use for the post is fine, no rules about the way to show us your hometown. The videos and photos must be yours, you can´t use photos from other websites. So... take us on a tour around your town!

Citing @mountainjewel: "There is no boring town, perhaps it won't be boring to other people who live across the world, who don't live there, to see my hometown". So yeah, don´t think your post won´t be nice, the beautiful thing about these contests is that everyone who joins brings something new for everyone else to see!