Cooking lasagne for my guests at Hug Inn Vienna, the headquarter of @opt2o.
I love food. Everybody has to eat. You are what you eat, right? If you don’t agree with me just watch taste the waste. It's a really good movie, which is illustrating what is wrong with the way we handle food in industrialised countries. We really need to change something in our daily behaviour! We have to eat less meat for so many reasons, for example if we want to stop climate change. This is really important for everybody to understand. Our lifestyle is not sustainable at all. And the food industry is not healthy. We kill so much animal lifes. It makes me angry and sad.
Nutrition Awareness is essential. I think it is ok to eat meat of good quality sometime. Nowadays the average quality of meat we can buy in the supermarkets is really bad. You can literally taste the stress of the animals. When I see these products my stomach churns.
When I was a kid my grandmothers showed me how to select the ingredients for a good and healthy meal. During my whole childhood I loved to cook for my family and friends. It's my hobby to test new recipes and taste the prepared meals. Sauces are my speciality. So somehow it was clear from the moment I learned to cook that I will always continue experimenting with it. For example on Christmas or New Year's Eve I am always in charge of the kitchen to have an eye on the main dish.
Pasta al Salmone and a mixed salad at Hug Inn Vienna on New Year's Eve.
This is the reason why I am also cooking at Hug Inn Vienna for my guests. I especially love to cook pasta, that you can always order during your stay. The recipes of Spaghetti Carbonara and the Pasta al Pomodoro I got from my first Airbnb guests. During their stay in Vienna we became friends. We also had the opportunity to visit them in Macerata two years ago. I have a big weakness for Italian food.
Cooking Pasta Verdure.

Sometimes I have the chance to learn new recipes from my guests. I always enjoy to taste new meals and find out more about healthy ingredients. If you are a chef, visit us here and show me some of your skills. The kitchen was built for that. This is our cuisine.
Cooking Spaghetti Bolognesa
What I also like about cooking is that everybody has his/her own opinion about it. At least everybody knows what he or she likes or not. We all need to eat and love to enjoy a tasteful meal. The eyes and nose need to be persuaded, too.

Pasta with Scampi
Another benefit of the act of cooking is the special feeling you get while doing it. It’s like a project. And it’s easy to get it right when you have a recipe, the time and motivation. Sometimes I am also not motivated or I am stressed out. Then I order food as well. But this is not the point.
Cooking is fun, you can do it with others and its a project without pressure. When you focus on the simple meals. ;) I am not a chef but I am confident to serve you the real pasta. This I can promise!
Can these eyes lie? :D
Just look at the happy face of my friend @jnmarteau. When he is coming by he always gets something to eat if he is hungry.
When I am cooking I can relax. It is a kind of meditation for me. This is why I am doing it and the reason why it is my hobby since I began to take over the first kitchen in my life. I am also lucky enough that this hobby is part of my job as a host. My guests love the pasta! :)
contest: #My2018 - This is my Hobby - Check it out! Thank you to my guest Bertille for reviewing my text. Soon you will hear more from her. Until then you can visit her instagram profileThis post is dedicated towards @anomadsoul's . I am looking forward to see her #introduceyourself post on this platform. I think she will be really successful here.
Thank you for your continuous support for @opt2o and the @globalschool!

Sorry, I just finished my article and I am sure I forgot to share the most of it. However now I can take the time to read your article and thank you again for all your support as well as for never forgetting to mention me and the @globalschool! Thank you for your help =)
Don't worry. You did it. Thanks man, you are always welcome here! :)
Gosh, I wish you were my local friend. lol
The food looks amazing and you look totally in your element.
Great article!
Thank you for this nice reply. You are welcome to visit us here at Hug Inn Vienna! :)
Everything looks delicious ! I also love to cook for people. I see you cook a lot from the Italian cuisine. Do you have something to do with it or you just like it :D
Thank you! Since I was little boy my family was driving with me to Italy every year. Also in Bavaria where I am from, there are a lot of good Italian restaurants. ;)
Although the photos look delicious, I always prefer vegetarian pasta. I love your hobby :)
Send a sample of the paste to zip code 52001: P
Thank you. :) You are invited to visit us here and taste the pasta at Hug Inn Vienna! :D
Schade dass man nicht von den Fotos kosten kann, schaut voll lecker aus :-).
Danke :) Du kannst gern mal zum kosten vorbeischauen.
Das ist aber nett. Darauf komme ich sicher mal zurück. Ich koch selbst auch sehr gerne. Bin aber ein noch viel leidenschaftlicher Esser :-)
Was kochst du den gerne?
Somehow I just started graving some pasta..
Thank you for joining the contest, the winners will be announced in a few days.
With love @anomadsoul & @eveuncovered
:D Thank you. I am excited to see the results. Please greet @anomadsoul for me. :)
Mich hat die Lasagne angelockt.
Wo finde ich das Rezept dazu?
Das freut mich. Geheimrezept. ;)
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Looking forward to trying the recipes of all the dishes you've shown us in this post!
Let's do that together! You are welcome here. :)
Thanks. I might drop by one of the next events :-)
Sounds like a plan. ;)