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#CONTEST: My 2018 -This is my Hobby and here in link to participate, join now.Hello to all my favorite Steemians, I thank God for the opportunity to write for you, this time on the occasion of participating in a challenge promoted by the friend @anomadsoul who as always proposes quite funny, creative and original challenges, the challenge is entitled
Before I started to write down everything that came to my mind, I really looked for what a hobby means, we can say that it is something we do frequently because we enjoy it, but it can also be something you like a lot but for time, health or anything else you can't do.
Reading several articles that will tell me exactly what a hobby is I love this one where it says very punctually that a hobby is everything you do to be happy, reading this sincerely my heart beats faster and that is where I chose some options as a favorite hobby.
As time goes by you meet wonderful people in your life, people that you don't see many times and others that stay and are part of your story, my friends are a precious treasure because they are simply there when I need them... and when I don't, they are there too....I choose this as a hobby because it simply fills me up to share a lot of pleasant moments full of laughter, love, food, beer or whatever we can share, since we were kids we shared with friends so I've been doing it for years now, what better way than to enjoy friends? Besides strengthening relationships, friends always have something to contribute to your life, I learn a lot from them so I like to do it and if I could I would do it much more often. In these times it is usually expensive to meet with friends, so the costs are shared, that is why it is a shared hobby and if I appear a being from another planet would invite me to share with a little with us and sure, will have the same hobby as me.

I keep listing the things that make me happy that I call my hobby, I find that travelling is my passion, getting to know different cultures, people, places, history, environment, it's really great... So I'll introduce you to my second hobby Travelling
I love to travel to get out of the routine, it is an escape from my world to the world of others, to walk streets, landscapes, squares, it is an absolutely energetic therapy for me, it fills me with positive energies, maybe because in every trip I try to absorb the good of the place and of what people transmit. I travel since I was very young thanks to my mother, she says that I am her travel companion, we did not make big trips, we only went to the capital but for me it was enough, when my youth arrived my adventurous spirit took recovery for my friends, a group of kids who love the natural beauties of Venezuela, I got to know the majestic Gran Sabana, which is without a doubt the best route I have been able to take in my country, then I got to know several countries that undoubtedly leave me wanting to follow the adventure.
Traveling is an extremely expensive hobby for Venezuelans, so practice is not so frequent anymore, but I always try to plan strategies to do it at least once a year. Before traveling it is necessary to plan well, to make routes, to look for lodging, tickets, fun trips, in short, it is an art that perhaps many have it of trade, for me it is a hobby that I would not like to lose for anything of the world, the adventure of traveling the extraterrestrials could explain it better than me.... so when it gets me without a doubt I would ask them for a ride with them.

At the end of my favorite hobby series, I tell you that I have an invaluable treasure for me, I have a little boy who is about to turn 3 years old, who has given me the best hobby in the world, Being a Mom. Everyone will say that it is not a hobby, but for my perception it is, it goes from being my responsibility to a happiness.
I fell in love with my hobby since October 9, 2014 when I took a positive pregnancy test, I can say that God gave me that wonderful prize, since science (medical and related) keep telling me that I could not be a mother because of my hormonal system conditions, even though my son chose me to make me very happy.
In practice I have been reading for almost 3 years but many more years reading everything I can about the subject, without a doubt this hobby has a daily challenge and you live in constant evolution and learning, if you want to be the best (although I do not believe in perfection) you have to put your heart into it, read, learn and follow your instincts.
I like this hobby because it keeps me active 24 hours a day, I don't know if I'll be the best, but I receive some hugs and kisses that make me look like the winner, although sometimes children can be stressful, more times than paying attention to my child I feel at peace, it's a great challenge for my mother because for conditions that are not relevant, I do alone, I'm a single mother and that makes the challenge
As I share quality time with my son, I only have in mind the idea of showing him the world with its good and bad things and giving him the tools to always keep a smile on his face. This hobby is my absolute priority, He is above the whole world, without ceasing to be responsible with my obligations, I do it from my heart and it doesn't cost me anything, but it is a pleasure to always be there for him when he needs me, the thing gets complicated is when my son starts to ask for food and so on, If things start to get expensive, then it is when I have stopped attending to my needs to attend to his, I am totally affectionate to see him grow, to participate in his occurrences and to be an essential part in his development, The best tool for my hobby is my instinct, followed by the values I was raised with, it's an honor for me to be part of my little Diego's upbringing, so it can be a mix of work and hobby, this hobby is the best and I wouldn't change it! When the Martians come I will sum up that the word being a mother is the purest act of love that anyone can feel.
For a moment I almost forgot that Steemit has been a hobby acquired in just a few months, but I would talk about it more thoroughly at another time, where I will tell you how Steemit and Discord influence my daily life.
All the photos are my own and I apologize in advance because my English is bad and I hope the translator will help me to the maximum.Thank you @anomadsoul for creating fun challenges and giving me the opportunity to present myself to the world as I am, I also appreciate the sponsorship of @blocktrades shaking hands with great ideas.
Good luck and see you next time.
I love your writing @melvadg very good content, hobbies make us very happy and are our favorite hobby.
Hola muchas gracias por visitar
Thank you so much. I'm glad you like it.
Hermosa manera de describir tus hobies amiga, Dios te siga bendiciendo y siempre puedas disfrutar de cada minuto de la vida al lado de tus seres amados. Un abrazo.
gracias por tu apoyo :)
I love sharing and travellng too!
what more could you ask for! It's execellent.
Excelente tu publicación! Te felicito! Muchísima suerte!
Thank you so much for reading me. Your support is important.
I love your hobbies and the role of mother that you enjoy very much.
It's what I enjoy the most, then you'll understand.
your hobby has so much joy and happiness , <3 i like it
As I said in the publication, the hobbies are to make us all happy, thanks for visiting.
you are welcome <3
Excelente trabajo como en Steemit resumiste tu vida muy genial @melvadg, excelente fotos. Saludos ; )
Thanks for your support, buddy. It's great to read the great reviews.