Hungry shark (Game)

in #myanmar7 years ago (edited)

Here it is at a time of boredom, talk a good game for those who play games, he someday The play action games Hungry shark game play, you do not have to fiddle around Mann level 1 would be level 1 and a kid the previous four small shark, fish, turtles, and the left Under the water, and a variety of fish to come into the world, people will feel like eating fish body gradually began to go to level 10, an invention must be new Be careful not to avoid a thorn fish, shark when they have to look like barbed fish was 10 ° /. Najib told about
Mann, rather than have to go before they need to get them onto the body of the gold-colored gold to make the game level gold finish Mann kid who buy a new game around do not need OK if you want to play at the play store download Hungry shark Pi The software then believe it after Please tell if a game for profit.

အခု​ေျပာျပမဲ့ အ​ေၾကာင္​းက ပ်င္​း​ေနတဲ့ အခ်ိန္​မွာဂိမ္​း​ေဆာ့သူမ်ားအတြက္​ ဂိမ္​း​ေကာင္​း​ေလး​ေတြ ​အ​ေၾကာင္​း​ေျပာျပ​ေပးပါ့မယ္​ အခုတ​ေလာကြၽန္​​ေတာ္​ ​ေဆာ့ဖစ္​​ေနတဲ့ဂိမ္​း​ေဆာ့က​ေတာ့ Hungry shark ျဖစ္​ပါတယ္​ ဒီဂိမ္​းက အင္​တာနက္​ဖြင္​့​ေဆာ့စရာမလိုပါဘူး စ​ေဆာ့မယ္​ဆိုရင္​ ငမန္​း level 1​ေလးရပါ့​မယ္​ level 1 ဆိ​ု​ေတာ့ ​ေသး​ေသး​ေလး​ေပါ့ ငမန္​း​ေလးက လူ​၊ငါး၊လိပ္​၊ပုစြန္​၊ငါးမ်ိဳးစံုပါပါတယ္​ ​ေရ​ေအာက္​ကမၻာထဲကို ​ေရာက္​သြားသလိုမ်ိဳးခံစားရပါလိမ္​့မယ္​ လူ​ေတြငါး​ေတြကို စားၿပီး ခႏၶာကိုယ္​ တျဖည္​းျဖည္​း ႀကီးလာတယ္​ level 10ျပည္​့သြားရင္​ ​ေနာက္​ ငမန္​းအသစ္​ရပါလိမ္​့မယ္​ တစ္​ခုသတိထားရမွာက ဆူးလံုးငါး ၊ငမန္​း​ေတြ ကို​ေ႐ွာင္​ရပါ့မယ္​ ဆူးလံုးငါးကို ထိမိရင္​ အသက္​ 10°/. ​ေလာက္​ကုန္​သြားပါ့မယ္​
ငမန္​း​ေတြက​ေတာ့ ​သူတို႔​ေ႐ွ႕က​ေနသြားရင္ အစားခံရမယ္​ ​ေနာက္​က​ေနသြားပီး သူတို႔ကို စားရမွာပါ ​ေရႊ​ေရာင္​ အ​ေကာင္​​ေတြစားရင္​ ​ေရႊ​ေတြရလာမွာပါ ဒီဂိမ္​းက levelတတ္​​ေအာင္​လုပ္​ပီး​ေရႊ​ေတြစု ငမန္​း အသစ္​​ေတြဝယ္​မဲ့ဂိမ္​း​ေလးပါ အင္​တာနက္​ဖြင္​့စရာမလို​ေတာ့ အဆင္​​ေျပတာ​ေပါ့ ​ေဆာ့ခ်င္​တယ္​ဆိုရင္​ play store မွာ Hungry sharkလို႔႐ိုက္​႐ွာပီး ​ေဒါင္​းပ​ီး​ေဆာ့ယံုပါဘဲ ​ေနာက္​တစ္​ခါ ဂိမ္​းအ​ေကာင္​း​ေလး​ေတြရိွရင္​ ​ေျပာျပ​ေပးပါအံုးမယ္​။

#👑M.K.K👑/big bosss



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