1.He that feareth every bush must never go a birding .
2.Who goes a borrowing goes a sorrowing.
3.Truth and oil are ever above.
4.The absent are always in the wrong.
5.Abundance of law breaks no law.
6.Abundance of money ruins the youlth.
7.Accidents will happen in the best regulated families.
8.He that gains well and spends well need no account.
9.Never ask pradon before you are accused.
10.A guilty conscience need no accuser.
1.ခ်ဳံပုတ္ကုိ လန့္ေနရင္ ငွက္ပစ္မထြက္နဲ႕။
2.တစ္ခါေခ်း တစ္ခါစိတ္မေကာင္းျဖစ္ရ။
3.အမွန္တရားနဲ႕ ဆီဟာ အျမဲတမ္း အေပၚမွာေနတယ္။
4.အမွားလုပ္ ငုပ္ေကာင္ျဖစ္။
5.ဥပေဒစုိးမုိး ဥပေဒမက်ိဳး။
6.ေငြေပါေတာ့ လူပ်က္။
7.အျကပ္အမတ္ေတာ္တဲ႕ မိသားစုေတာင္ ျပႆနာေပၚေသးတာဘဲ။
8.ရေအာင္ရွာ ၊စနစ္တက်သုံးသူအဖုိ့ စာရင္းစာအုပ္မလုိ။
9.အစြပ္အစြဲမခံရေသးဘဲ အရင္မေတာင္းပန္ပါနဲ႕။
10.အျပစ္ရွိတယ္လုိ့ ခံယူသူဟာ အျပစ္ရွာမဲ႕သူမရွိ။