A Day in My Life (Once upon a Time)
At about eleven o' clock my brother returns from ploughing and directly goes to the cowshed to milk the cows. After milking the cows he releases them along with calves and bullocks. Cows and bullocks happily move out of the compound, run onto the earth track leading to the pastures.
Milking the cows is a simple operation but stirs many emotions. Compassion for the cows that give us milk, through unwillingly. Sympathy for the calves for being robbed of their share of milk. Cruelty on part of human beings. Insensivity on the part of milk consummers. Sometimes the milk turns sour and is thrown away irreverently, without giving a moment of thought, how, and under what condition this milk was robbed and from whom. It has gone on from time immemorial and no one gives it a thought.
To be continued...
(Special thanks to U Than Pe - Tour Guide)
(Photo copied from google)
Eng แแญแฏแแผแฝแแนโแธโแฑแแฌแทแแแธแนโ แแฏโแฑแแแฌแแฒแแบแฌ
แกโแฑแแฌแนโแแญแฏแแ แแแผแฝแแนโแธโแฑแแฌแท โแฑแโแฑแแฌ แกแแแนโแท..แแแนโแท ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ
แแฏแแนโแแฒแทแแซ broแแฌ แกโแฑแแฌแนโแ แปแแแนโแแฌแแญแฏแแฒแโแฑแแฌแท แแฏแแกแปแแ แนโแแฌโแฑแแซแท
แแปแแแนโแธแปแแแนโแธแแฒแ แแญแฏโแแแฌแแฝแฌแแซ
แแบโแฑแแฌแนโแแแนโแธ แแฐแแฐแแซแแฒ แแแนโแแถแฏแแแนโแแแนโแแฌแแซ
โแฑแโแบแธแแฐแธโแฑแแฌแนโbro แแบโแฑแแฌแนโแแญแฏ แแแนโแแผแฒแแฐโแฑแแธแแซโแแบแฌ โ
Nice bro
Done. Bro