Fishing In: New World

in #myblog29 days ago

New World Pier photo.jpg

Fishing in Aeternum can be as easy or dangerous as a fisher would want. Easy spots are frequently fished though and even when I manage to get a few casts out I don't get anything worth writing home about.

The more exciting spots though are of course less visited and the spots considered 'relatively safe' near those fishing holes can be quite small. My gear is equipped for fishing, not combat. In these higher level zones, being caught ill-geared is asking for a quick trip home. The population is corrupted and so are many of the animals. I find a quiet spot in the reeds by the lake to cast out but the sounds of a corrupted deer wallowing to my left and a crocodile patrolling INSIDE the lake I am fishing keep me on guard.

New World Hiding Reeds.jpg

My first few casts had some good results though that might make this trip worth it, a few high quality fish and some treasure chests. They might hold rubbish but sometimes they hold something worth using. It's not many casts before the spot becomes bare but the fact that fish populate the desolate shattered mountain is miracle enough.

New World Treasures.jpg


I traveled to a few fishing spots but noticed they were already being fished. I had to travel a bit but finally found a fishing hole on the beach that was vacant.

New World Pier approach.jpg

After navigating around the spirits haunting the beach I set myself up and got to it. Salt water fishing is a bit of a mixed bag. Lots of different things to be caught and none of it sticking to a rhythm.

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Fish, Chests containing miscellaneous items, more unique fish mixed with molluscs like clams or oysters that may hold pearls. If a fisher wanted a focus type I would recommend staying away from salt water fishing. Too much variety and not enough of a quantity of it to be of bulk value.

All in all, fishing isn't a reliable source of income compared to other professions but the randomness of the items and materials that can be caught is what I enjoy (As well as the aspect of fishing). With other professions there is an expectation of what will be received but with fishing I never know what is on the other end of my line until I reel it in.

It's nice being pleasantly surprised at what I reel in and downright silly when I get excited over a new catch or discover an area that holds secret fishing spots.