You are probably wondering what that crazy fireworks picture has to do with this blog? Well, the short answer is absolutely nothing! However, once again I let life get in the way causing it to be six days since my last Hive post. I really want to get better at this because I feel like I have a lot to say. Nonetheless, for awhile I felt that one has to be very cautious as to what one says because there are many people with no lives monitoring everything anyone says. It is definitely the worst time to be a comedian. Luckily, I don't consider myself falling into this category.
There was a time when we used to be able to make fun of one another including ourselves. It was all very harmless and in actuality we appreciated everyone's differences. Today, the word racist gets thrown around when someone simply doesn't agree with you. I believe by walking on egg shells with our beliefs, we have created a divide that is greater than anything I have ever experienced twenty years ago. Imagine if people could discuss their beliefs with one another and not be afraid of being ridiculed for them.
Working in the appliance section of a major department store some years back, we were told not to wish anyone a Merry Christmas, but instead greet them with Happy Holidays. My Jewish customers never minded (at least that is what they told me) being wished Merry Christmas. The chain even went a step further by taking the Christmas out of their gift cards. Even the decorations were very generic. We used to laugh at the carboard Holiday Trees they had us put up.
Christmas has always been a big part of my life and it always will be. I don't appreciate anyone trying to take that away from me. At the same time, I will always respect whatever holiday that someone else celebrates. However, I would hope that they respect my right to enjoy Christmas!