Play at Home: Show Us Your California

in #mycalifornia5 years ago

Hi Friends,

This post is an entry into the weekly contest of @thesocalhive where we show our California.

Here in Southern California we are in a home quarantine of sorts and are pretty much staying at home except for food and medical purposes. So we have had to get creative while playing, such as this:



Here the kids got the chalk wet and made paste and proceeded to make quite a mess - but what’s the fun in being a kid if you can’t make a mess! I wish I would have got a photo 10 minutes later as they decided to put the paste all over their clothes and body - it was straight to the shower after.

So there is a glimpse into the current state of my California - home play.

Thank you for coming by today,


Yup doing a lot of same just playing with the kids at home.

Congratulations, your post won 1st prize in this weeks Show us Your California contest!!