I continue my challenge - #mychild365.
The rules for my contest have changed, and have become more loyal. For more details see https://steemit.com/mychild365/@cranium/simplify-rules-mychild365.
Всем привет.
Я продолжаю свой вызов - #mychild365. Правила моего челенджа изменились, и стали более лояльными. Более подробно в статье - https://steemit.com/mychild365/@cranium/simplify-rules-mychild365.
Andrew has a great time in his grandmothers, while Dad spends a lot of time at work and on STEEM. Thanks to my wife @prettysnake, who continues to supply me with the photo. I really want my son to be an athlete. But judging from his early behavior, he, like Dad, is much more interesting to observe, study and simply enjoy life.
Судя из фото, Андрей отлично проводит время в бабушки, пока папа проводит много времени на работе и на STEEM. Спасибо жене @prettysnake, что продолжает снабжать меня фото. Я очень хочу, что бы мой сын был спортсменом. Но судя из его ранего поведения, ему, как и папе, намного интересней наблюдать, изучать и просто радоваться жизни.
Цените жизнь. Удачи Вам и добра.
What a little sweetie Andrew is! I enjoy watching him grow! Nice of your wife to send you pictures of his precious moments! Have a nice day 😊
Thanks for the great comment. I am very pleased to read such informative comments. Good luck to you and kind regards
Beautiful that baby
Thanks for the comment.
Muchas bendiciones para el bebe, esta creciendo muy hermoso. : )
Thanks for the great comment. I am very pleased to read such informative comments. Good luck to you and kind regards
Thanks for the great comment. I am very pleased to read such informative comments. Good luck to you and kind regards
Beautiful little prince, God keep it
Thanks for the great comment. I am very pleased to read such informative comments. Good luck to you and kind regards
Maybe he will be an observant and intelligent athlete XD
I would be very happy about this.