Palace chapel
As part of the construction work for the new west wing of the castle, in 1538 the castle chapel was integrated into the building, hence their irregular floor plan. Construction continued until 1550, using red marble. In just one year of work Hans Bocksberger d. Ä. painted 1543 the almost completely preserved picture cycle of the interior. In addition to the seven plagues we see a lot of strange grotesque figures as well as contents of the God-given earthly order which were decisive for the Lutheran doctrine. After the re-catholization of Neuburg, these paintings were painted over at the beginning of the 17th century to be uncovered until 1934-1957.
Im Zuge der Bauarbeiten für den neuen Westflügel des Schlosses wurde 1538 die Schloßkapelle in den Bau integriert, daher ihr unregelmäßiger Grundriss. Die Bauarbeiten zogen sich bis 1550 hin, zur Verwendung kam Roter Marmor. In nur einem Jahr Arbeit malte Hans Bocksberger d. Ä. 1543 den fast vollständig erhaltenen Bilderzyklus des Innenraumes. Neben den sieben Plagen sehen wir jede Menge seltsame groteske Figuren sowie Inhalte der gottgewollten irdischen Ordnung die für die lutherische Lehre bestimmend waren. Nach der Rekatholisierung Neuburgs wurden diese Bilder zu Beginn des 17. Jahrhunderts übermalt um erst 1934-1957 wieder freigelegt zu werden.
Camera: Canon EOS 200D, all photos taken a few days ago
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Reminds me of art work from the Roman Times , pretty fascinating
hi captain, how are you?
This chapel looks so classic and historic , those detailed designs makesnit more interesting to look at ❤️❤️❤️
Really fascinating ...those art and design was just too beautiful.. very nice place to be...
Wunderbare Fresken und Malerein. Da hat Geschichte grad wieder ein anderes Gesicht.
Tolle Aufnahmen
Excellent place great shots you have shared looks incredible :)
Beautiful photos sir I upvoted and resteemed this post
Que lindo palacio
I love the quality of your camera..
Beautiful places
Beautiful place
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A very beautiful art on the roof. Nice photos 📸
Beautiful place
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This post has received a 11.32 % upvote from @boomerang.