My city Neuburg an der Donau (Scraffito ornamentation) / Meine Stadt Neuburg an der Donau (Sgraffitodekoration)

in #mycity7 years ago


The entire west wing of the castle inner courtyard was 1562 decorated with very elaborate sgraffito decoration. This stucco technique enjoyed great popularity in the Renaissance which, starting from Italy, also found many fans in Germany and here especially in Bavaria. The large-scale motifs in the castle courtyard were only visible again a few years ago, since they had been painted over in the meantime. During the reconstruction, some places were consciously left in the dark because they could not be restored.



Der gesamte Westflügel des Schloßinnenhofes wurde 1562 mit sehr aufwendigen Sgraffitodekorationen geschmückt. Diese Stucktechnik erfreute sich in der Renaissance großer Beliebtheit die von Italien ausgehend auch in Deutschland und hier besonders in Bayern viele Liebhaber fand. Die großflächigen Motive im Schloßhof wurden erst vor einigen Jahren wieder sichtbar, da sie zwischenzeitlich übermalt waren. Bei der Rekonstruktion wurden ganz bewußt einige Stellen im Dunkeln gelassen, da sie nicht wiederherzustellen waren.









Camera: Canon EOS 200D, all photos taken 2 days ago


See you next time! / Bis nächstes Mal!

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Original content by

        Schaman Gerbert        IMG_6013kkk-th112.JPG


Very grand old construction!!
This reminds me of castles in Innsbruck. Such long history of rich and wealth and power!!

Thanks! It is quite a pleasure for me to show it.

Wirklich tolle Technik... Es ist ein wahres Kunstwerk. Danke fürs Teilen.

It seems incredible that you are incredible pieces can be contemplated outdoors.

Thank you for sharing these pictures, this is art, A relic, pure beauty. =)

the interiors are simply outstanding it looks so great wonderful :)

This is really cool,thanks a lot for sharing.

Nice pic bro, next tournament date.
Please do not vote me down, I just give a link to my tournament

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