Operation Warp Speed Logo
Antakarana Cube
Dybbuk Box
Pandora Box
Rudolf Steiner called it Sorath, the Sun Demon & Eighth Sphere of Ahriman.
Operation Warp Speed Logo
Antakarana Cube
Dybbuk Box
Pandora Box
Rudolf Steiner called it Sorath, the Sun Demon & Eighth Sphere of Ahriman.
The name might be derived from that of Romulus, one of the founders of Rome, or from Ahriman, the evil principle in Zoroastrianism (Angra Mainyu).
Elon Musk Suggests That a Brain Parasite Is Forcing Humans to Create Superhuman AI
fits my theory that the brain parasites origin is from the previous fallen civilization, and connect quantum tunneling into Lovecraftian "Great Old Ones".