Me encanta ver como la luz del sol llena de color amarillo todo el paisaje. Espero les haya gusta y hasta el próximo post del #Mydailypost Challenge
I love watching the sunlight fill the landscape with yellow. I hope you like it and until the next post of the #Mydailypost Challenge
Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!
Category | Martes/Tuesday: Monocolor |
Camera | ZTE Blade V6 Plus |
Location | Mérida, Yucatán, México |
Lee Como Participar|Read How to Participate#MyDailyPost
Suggested Themes | Temas Sugeridos
Lunes/Monday: Sky
Martes/Tuesday: Monocolor
Miércoles/Wednesday: Macroshot
Jueves/Thursday: Naturelive
Viernes/Friday: Selectivecolor
Sábado/Saturday: Sepiatone
Domingo/Sunday: Free topic
My Daily Post Challenge sponsored by @sol25 & @leyargoz