
I did but I traded VIVA for it and went with 1 whole CROWN but after the fee, the 1 whole become slightly less but I never tried getting less 1 in the first place. So, from your good question, i think again with less than 1 effectively, can i sell. I tried to put sell order for 0.4 and it took the order. Therefore, I'm going to assume that you can also buy less than 1. ;-)

Oh I see. And if I have some crown it will mint viva for me? I would be getting viva for life?

That I don't anything. I have not gone into detail. I think there's chat in the post I mentioned above where you can try to find out more.

Oh okay. I had one more question though. In the white paper there is something about a site like steemit. Do you know anything about it?

Sorry, no too. I just read the exec summary and see so many post about it and jump in with blind faith. :-)
You can write a post on #til if you find out more.

#til tag stands for "today i learn". you can see the recently created post using #til tag here:

Okay thanks. I hope I didn't bother you.

you mean a blogging site? not yet ready.

Oh. Are you one of the team members?

Technically no. I am only a early (small) investor and know the guys inside from a few months ago. You are welcome to come to the chat. Doesn't matter if you invest. All viva guys are there.

Man, you did!? Welcome on board the VIVA Ship! :) You can AMA but no guarantee I can answer. For this one, I know: you can buy any fractional amount of Crowns, but you need a whole Crown to be granted the power inside the VIVAconomy - minting Vivacoin, deciding interest rate, granting awards... etc.
By the way, join lots of people in there.

That's the thing, I bought 1 but got down because of fee. need to go back and get some more. Then don't know what next.

oh, I seem to hear that you will get reimbursed for the transaction fee. let me ask for you. when did you make the purchase?