PukuGreetings to all.
Myfavoritetool - Contest by @tibfox
This time I present my original aereal cam recording mechanism (its like a hanging on system with two metal Clothespins) And this post video its for the @tibfox Contest: #myfavoritetool
I record this video with my old Blue Casio Digital Camera - Exilim Model.
Contest Post:
My Twit link post:
For Watch this video in Youtube:
Portacámara y prueba del PukuInstrumento (batería)
Grabado en / Recording in: Caracas, Venezuela.
Abril, 2019
Nahu Padilla: @nahupuku - Bateria: PukuInstrumento (I made this drum)
Pics of "areal camera support" mechanism:

I use this mechanism for make and create several Steemit song for this platform, this its both examples of that:
Nahu Padilla - Openmic 140 - Aserejé (Cover Experimental - Las Ketchup)
Nahu Padilla:
Guitarras, Bajo, Bateria PukuDrumz (PukuInstrumento).
Voces Invitadas: Valeria Bandes @valeriabandes y Romina Rojas.
Grabado en / Recording in: Caracas, Venezuela.
Mayo, 2019.
Another song:
Nahu Padilla - Openmic 139 - El blues de la esperanza (original song)
Nahu Padilla:
Guitarras, Bajo, Bateria PukuDrumz (PukuInstrumento).
Voces Invitadas: Valeria Bandes @valeriabandes y Romina Rojas.
Grabado en / Recording in: Caracas, Venezuela.
Mayo, 2019.

Tripod and Camera video

Now I have this metal Tripod but I had to record some videos with that interesting mechanism, and I still use it like my favorite one, lol

More videos in My Youtube Channel Puku

Support me in Patreon:
Bendiciones y gracias por ver mi post
Blessings and thanks for watching my post

▶️ DTube
Me gustas, me gustas mucho!
Muchas gracias por la musica y los arte graphico!
Tambien hermano, vaya con diablo!
https://thereverendmaelstrohmblack.wordpress.com https://smoke.io/@maelstrohmblackthanks bro for the visit Im glad that you like it the song and the post lml